Lillie Lum
Locations / Contact Info:
423 Health, Nursing & Environmental Studies - HNESKeele CampusPhone: 416 736 2100 Ext. 20926
Email address(es):
Faculty & School/Dept.
Faculty of Health - School of Nursing - School of Health Policy & Management
Lillie Lum is a professor in the School of Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Health. She is also an associate professor in the York School of Nursing and registered nurse with the College of Nurses of Ontario, Canada. She also holds graduate appointments for both the School of Health Policy and Management and the School of Nursing. She possesses over 20 years of experience in higher education in Canada and the U.S. in a variety of roles as an educator, researcher and administrator.
Her professional career has focussed on actively contributing to academic excellence in health professions education and promoting quality care of nursing and other professions within the Canadian health care system.
Professor Lum’s scholarly focus has been on the interdisciplinary interactions at local, national and global levels. She has been successful in supporting her program of research with Tri-Council and other external granting agencies. Her research program is characterized as being socially relevant, advancing social justice for vulnerable populations such as skilled immigrants, highly interdisciplinary, and based upon theoretically pluralistic frameworks. In particular, the major themes include promoting equitable access and participation in the health system through institutional change, removal of barriers, increasing the leadership capacities of international health professionals and enhancing educational opportunities for adult immigrant students.
Professor Lum is the past chair of the governing board of the Ontario Centre for Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement. She has contributed to health policy and administrative law as a member of two, non-government health services appeal Boards.
Selected Publications
1. Lum, L., Vu, J. and Sharawy, K. (2015). Exploring Immigrant Nursing Students’ Attitudes towards Online English Language Tutoring. Journal of Technologies in Education. 11(3) pp. 1-9.
2. Lum, L. (2015). Enhancing the Academic Literacy Skills of ESL Higher Education Students in Canada, Medical Research Archives, 2(2).
3. Lum, L., Dowedoff, P., Bradley, P., Kerekes, J. and Valeo, A. (2014), Oral Communication Challenges for Internationally Educated Nurses. The Journal of Transcultural Nursing, DOI: 10.1177/1043659614524792.
4. Lum, L., Bradley, P. and Rasheed, N. (2011). Accommodating the Learning Styles of Immigrant Professional Students in Canadian Bridging Education Programs, Journal on Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, 1(2), p. 147-168.
5. Lum, L., (2015) Enhancing the Academic Literacy Skills of ESL Adult Students in Professional Education
Currently available to supervise graduate students:
Currently taking on work-study students, Graduate Assistants or Volunteers:
Available to supervise undergraduate thesis projects: