Liane R Ginsburg
Locations / Contact Info:
Keele CampusPhone: 416 736 2100 Ext. 33925
Email address(es):
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Research Areas
Faculty & School/Dept.
Faculty of Health - School of Health Policy & Management
PhD Dept. of Health Policy, Management & Evaluation - 1997
University of Toronto
Master of Arts (MA) - 1993
University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) - 1989
McGill University. Montreal, P.Q.
Liane Ginsburg is a Professor in the School of Health Policy and Management at York University. She trained in healthcare organization and management at the University of Toronto where she received her PhD. She subsequently held a Career Scientist award from the Ontario Ministry of Health (2005-2010). Liane teaches Applied Research Methods in Health to 4th year undergraduate students in the Honors Bachelor of Health Studies Program at York and Knowledge Translation reserach to students in the Graduate Program in Health. Her research interests focus on culture, leadership and learning in health care organizations, quality improvement and implementation science. She has published several recent peer reviewed papers in these areas, most recently in BMJ Quality and Safety and Implementation Science. Liane currently chairs the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Knowledge Translation Research peer review committee. Liane is currently co-investigator on CIHR and other Ministry funded studies.
Selected Publications
See published CV (pdf)
Other Research Outputs
See published CV (pdf)
- Peer review committee member
Ad hoc Reviewer (on-going)
- BMJ Quality & Safety
- BMJ Open
- Health Care Management Review
- Canadian Journal on Aging
- International Journal for Quality in Healthcare
Graduate Literary Award- Department of Health Policy, Manage - 2010
Career Scientist Award - Ontario Ministry of Health and Long - 2005
Best Paper - Health Care Management Division, Academy of Man - 2004
Postdoctoral Award - Canadian Health Services Research Found - 2002
Best Paper Based on a Dissertation Award - Health Care Manag - 2002
Ted Golberg Award for most promising PhD student - Departmen - 2000
PhD fellowship - National Health Research and Development Pr - 1998
3M Health Care Quality Team Award - Part of a work redesign - 1999
University of Toronto Open Fellowship - 1997
Graduate Assistanship (OISE / U of T - 1993
Dean’s Award for Research – Faculty of Health, York University - 2012
Graduate Literary Award- Department of Health Policy, Manage - 2011
Currently available to supervise graduate students: Yes
Currently taking on work-study students, Graduate Assistants or Volunteers: No
Available to supervise undergraduate thesis projects: No
Current Research
Research interests revolve around how to share data and research findings with health care managers and providers in a way that promotes improvement. Current research is in the areas of how to implement complext interventions to improve quality of care in Nursing home settings.
Research Projects
" Assessment of and the Factors that Influence Patient Safety Competence among Health Professionals at Entry to Practice".
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $121649
Year Funded: 2010
Duration: 2 yrs.
Funded by: Canadian Patient Safety Institute
" Factors Influencing Learning from Preventable Adverse Events and Near Misses in Acute Care Hospitals: A Multi-Level Approach".
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $261706
Year Funded: 2005
Duration: 4 yrs.
Funded by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
" How do age, organizational tenure, and exposure to safety curriculum in nursing education impact on staff safety behaviours?'.
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $8000
Year Funded: 2007
Duration: 1 yr.
Funded by: Canadian Patient Safety Institute
" Learning Capacity in Ontario's Long Term Care Facilities: A Study of Factors that Affect the Adoption, Transfer, Adaptation and Retention of Clinical Practice Guidelines".
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $208908
Year Funded: 2003
Duration: 3 yrs.
Funded by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
" Learning to Learn from Patient Safety Events".
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $19500
Year Funded: 2010
Duration: 1 year
Funded by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
" Patient Safety Culture: Improving measurement and establishing links to patient safety activity".
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $229000
Year Funded: 2006
Duration: 1 yr.
Funded by: Canadian Patient Safety Institute