Michael C Riddell


Locations / Contact Info:

225 Lumbers - LUM
Keele Campus
Phone (Lab): 416 736 2100 Ext. 22324

Email address(es):


Web site(s):


Faculty & School/Dept.

Faculty of Health - School of Kinesiology & Health Science


PhD - 2000
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON


Michael is a Professor in the School of Kinesiology and Health Science and Muscle Health Research Centre at York University in Canada. He is also a Senior Scientist at LMC Diabetes and Manna Research in his hometown of Toronto. His research interests center on the effects of exercise and stress on diabetes and metabolism. Dr. Riddell has a PhD in Physiology/Pharmacology from McMaster University where he conducted studies on hypoglycemia prevention during exercise in children and adults living with type 1 diabetes. He did his post-doctoral studies at the University of Toronto under the supervision of Dr. Mladen Vranic where he conducted studies on the impact of stress hormones on diabetes-related hyper and hypoglycemia. 

Dr. Riddell has published over 200 peer-reviewed journal articles, 30 book chapters, and one patient guidebook on the metabolic and hormonal responses to exercise and stress in diabetes. He has authored several international guidelines on exercise and diabetes and he engages with numerous community-based diabetes and sports educational programs that enhance diabetes self-care behaviors in people living with type 1 diabetes. He has over 250 invited scholarly talks and keynotes at various academic, scientific, professional and public events.

A recipient of the Faculty of Health Dean’s Established Career Research Award, Riddell currently holds research grants spanning from preclinical studies of hypoglycemia prevention to clinical trials of exercise management. His research team uses a broad selection of innovative models and techniques to discover how regular exercise, stress and diabetes influence metabolism and health. Michael has been living with type 1 diabetes since the age of 15.


Selected Publications

Please see Dr. Riddell's website at www.yorku.ca/mriddell/

or click here


Other Research Outputs


1) Finding Genius:


2) Diabetes Canada (Diabetes 360)


3) My Body Odesey



5) EASD e-Laearning (insulin and exercise)



JDRF website for people living with diabetes and thier health care providers:




LMC Diabetes And Endocrinology (Centricity Research)
Senior Scientist (exercise and diabetes studies)


JDRF Peak Performance
expert member


Faculty of Health Established Researcher Award - 2013


Currently available to supervise graduate students: Yes

Currently taking on work-study students, Graduate Assistants or Volunteers: Yes

Available to supervise undergraduate thesis projects: Yes

Current Research

Exercise managment and type 1 diabetes

Role of somatostatin in glucagon counterregulation and hypoglycemia

The effects of exercise and stress hormones on metabolism in health and disease with a particular emphasis on diabetes mellitus.

Research Projects

3. JDRF Industry Development and Discovery Program (IDDP). Preclinical drug development of somatostatin receptor 2 antagonists for the prevention of recurrent hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $400,000
Year Funded: 2017
Duration: 4
Funded by: Other...
Other funding: JDRF

Additional Signals for Next Generation AP Systems RFA: Improving the Daily Lives of People with Type 1 Diabetes by Meeting the Challenges of Glucose Control through the Development of a Next-Generatio
Role: CoInvestigator
Amount funded: $898,123
Year Funded: 2018
Duration: 2
Funded by: Other...
Other funding: JDRF and Helmsley Trust

Canadian Glycomics Network (GlycoNet) Strategic Initiatives Grant: DO-19, “Elucidating the role of somatostatin in dysglycemia in a rodent model of type 2 diabetes
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $65,000
Year Funded: 2020
Duration: 1
Funded by: Other...
Other funding: 1. Canadian Glycomics Network (GlycoNet) Strategic Initiatives Grant

NSERC Operating Grant: Role of somatostatin signaling on pancreatic islet function and energy homeostasis.
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $200,000
Year Funded: 2018
Duration: 5
Funded by: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

Type-1 Diabetes and Exercise Initiative (T1-Dexi) Grant
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $9,000
Year Funded: 2020
Duration: 1
Funded by: Other...
Other funding: Helmsley Trust

Curriculum Vitae (C.V. file):

CV of Michael C Riddell