Andrea Josse
Associate Professor
Locations / Contact Info:
344 Norman Bethune College - BCKeele Campus Ext. 30038
Email address(es):
Teaching Areas
Faculty & School/Dept.
Faculty of Health - School of Kinesiology & Health Science
PhD - 2011
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON
MSc - 2006
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON
B. Kin. Hons - 2004
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON.
Selected Publications
- Brown JK, Prior T, Phillips SM, Perry CGR, Skelly LE, Josse AR. Differential plasma branched-chain amino acid responses following the consumption of Greek-style yogurt and skimmed milk. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2023 Jul 1;48(7):544-549.
- Kurgan N, Skelly LE, Ludwa IA, Klentrou P, Josse AR. Twelve weeks of a diet and exercise intervention alters the acute bone response to exercise in adolescent females with overweight/obesity. Front Physiol. 2023 Jan 4;13:1049604.
- Fraschetti EC, Skelly LE, Abdul-Sater AA, Josse AR. The Acute Effects of Milk Consumption on Systemic Inflammation after Combined Resistance and Plyometric Exercise in Young Adult Females. Nutrients. 2022 Oct 28;14(21):4532.
- Fraschetti EC, Skelly LE, Ahmed M, Biancaniello E, Klentrou P, Josse AR. The influence of increased dairy product consumption, as part of a lifestyle modification intervention, on diet quality and eating patterns in female adolescents with overweight/obesity. Children (Basel). 2022 Nov 6;9(11):1703.
- Kottaras S, Stoikos J, McKinlay BJ, Ludwa IA, Josse AR, Falk B, Klentrou P. Bone Turnover Markers and Osteokines in Adolescent Female Athletes of High-impact and Low-impact Sports Compared with Non-athletic Controls. Pediatr Exerc Sci. 2022 Jul 6:1-7. doi: 10.1123/pes.2022-0025.
- Prowting JL, Skelly LE, Kurgan N, Fraschetti EC, Klentrou P, Josse AR. Acute Effects of Milk vs Carbohydrate Beverages on Bone Turnover Biomarkers following Combined Plyometric and Resistance Exercise in Adult Females. Front Nutr. 2022 Apr 29;9:840973.
- McKinlay B, Wallace PJ, Olansky S, Woods S, Roy BD, Josse AR, Falk B, Klentrou P. Intensified training in adolescent female athletes: a crossover study of Greek yogurt effects on indices of recovery, J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2022 Mar 22;19(1):17-33.
- Chouinard-Watkins R, Calleja M, Bazinet RP, Josse AR. Dairy product consumption is associated with a lowering of linoleic acid within serum triglycerides in adolescent females with overweight or obesity: a secondary analysis. Br J Nutr. 2022 Jan 14;127(1):68-77.
- Baranowski R, Skelly LE, Josse AR, Fajardo VA. Lithium content in Greek Yogurt correlated with Lithium concentration in human serum following the consumption of Greek Yogurt for 12 weeks. Front Nutr. 2021 Dec 22;8:798036.
- Watson P, McKinnon A, Santino N, Bassett-Gunter R, Calleja M, Josse AR. Integrating needs-supportive delivery into a laboratory-based randomised controlled trial for adolescent girls with overweight and obesity: theoretical underpinning and 12-week psychological outcomes. J Sports Sci. 2021 Jun 22:1-10.
- Skelly LE, Barbour-Tuck EN, Kurgan N, Calleja M, Klentrou P, Falk B, Josse AR. Neutral effect of increased dairy product intake, as part of a lifestyle modification program, on cardiometabolic health in adolescent girls with overweight/obesity: a secondary analysis from a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2021 May 21;8:673589.
- Olansky S, Beaudry KM, Woods S, Barbour-Tuck E, Gammage K, Klentrou P, Josse AR. Changes in Body Composition, Energy Expenditure, and Energy Intake during Four Years of University—A Follow-Up Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Apr 10;18(8):3990.
- Kurgan N, McKee K, Calleja M, Josse AR, Klentrou P. Cytokines, Adipokines and Bone Markers at Rest and in Response to Plyometric Exercise in Obese vs Normal Weight Adolescent Females. Frontiers Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2020 Dec 11;11:531926.
- Bridge A, Brown J, Snider H, Rowan S, Skelly LE, Josse AR. Comparison of Body Composition Assessment Using Air-Displacement Plethysmography and A-Mode Ultrasound Before and After a 12-Week Exercise Intervention in Normal Weight Adult Males. Meas Phys Educ Exerc Sci. DOI: 10.1080/1091367X.2020.1843042. November 2020.
- McKinlay BJ, Theocharidis A, Adebero T, Kurgan N, Fajardo VA, Roy BD, Josse AR, M Logan-Sprenger H, Falk B, Klentrou P. Effects of Post-Exercise Whey Protein Consumption on Recovery Indices in Adolescent Swimmers. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Oct 23;17(21):E7761.
- Calleja M, Caetano Feitoza N, Falk B, Klentrou P, Ward WE, Sullivan PJ, Josse AR. Increased dairy product consumption as part of a diet and exercise weight management program improves body composition in adolescent females with overweight and obesity – A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pediatr Obes. 2020 Jun 29:e12690.
- Theocharidis A, McKinlay BJ, Vlachopoulos D, Josse AR, Falk B, Klentrou P. Effects of post exercise protein supplementation on markers of bone turnover in adolescent swimmers. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2020 Apr 15;17(1):20.
- Josse AR, Ludwa IA, Kouvelioti R, Calleja M, Falk B, Ward W, Klentrou P. Dairy product intake decreases bone resorption following a 12-week diet and exercise intervention in overweight and obese adolescent girls. Pediatr Res. 2020 Dec;88(6):910-916.
- Bridge A, Brown J, Snider H, Ward WE, Roy B, Josse AR. Consumption of Greek Yogurt During 12 Weeks of High-impact, Loading Exercise Increases Bone Formation in Young, Adult Males – A Secondary Analysis from a Randomized Trial. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2020 Jan;45(1):91-100.
- Kouvelioti R, Kurgan N, Falk B, Ward WE, Josse AR, Klentrou P. Cytokine and Sclerostin Response to High-Intensity Interval Running versus Cycling. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2019 Dec;51(12):2458-2464.
Other Research Outputs
Recent Webinars:
- Josse AR. Protein and Exercise for Bone Health. Osteoporosis Canada webinar. March 16, 2023.
- Josse AR. Protein and Bone Health: Implications of New Dietary Guidance. Webinar. Co-sponsored by Dairy Farmers of Canada and Osteoporosis Canada. July 7, 2020.
Recent Media Coverage of Research:
Sept 2019 - Toronto Star Online Article - The ‘Freshman 15’ is way worse for men, study says. Available at:
July 2019 - York University Online News - Y-File. Canadian men gain twice as much weight as women in 1st year university, study says. Available at:
July 2019 - Brock University Online News Article - During first year of university, poor diet and weight gain greater in male students. Available at:
July 2019 - The London Telegraph (UK) Online Article - Average male students put on twice as much weight as females in their first year of university. Available at:
July 2019 - (Baltimore) Article – Men Gain Twice As Much Weight As Women During Freshman Year, Study Finds. Available at:
July 2019 - (NYC) Article - Looks Like Guys Are More Prone to Pack on the 'Freshman 15'. Available at:
July 2019 - News Article - Canadian men gain twice as much weight as women in 1st year university, study says. Available at:
July 2019 - News Article: Men gain twice as much weight as women during freshman year, study finds. Available at:
June 2019 - Brock University Online News Article – Abundance of interesting research among grad students at Convocation. Available at:
Brock University
Adjunct professor; Department of Kinesiology,
Researcher; Centre for Bone and Muscle Health
York University
Researcher; Muscle Health Research Centre
Currently available to supervise graduate students: Yes
Currently taking on work-study students, Graduate Assistants or Volunteers: No
Available to supervise undergraduate thesis projects: No
Current Research
Dr. Josse joined York University in January 2019 from Brock University where she has been an assistant professor since 2014. Her research area combines clinical nutrition and exercise physiology in the context of both health and chronic disease, and centres on lifestyle modification strategies and/or training regimens that manipulate diet and exercise to achieve a healthier body composition and/or a beneficial metabolic outcome. She is particularly interested in utilizing diet (i.e. whole foods [including dairy products], nutrients, supplements) with different modes of exercise (i.e. aerobic, resistance, plyometric) to facilitate changes in body weight, body composition, strength and bone turnover in different populations across the lifespan.
Research Projects
DRIVE Study - Dairy Research on Inflammatory & Vascular Endpoints
Currently recruiting participants!!! Contact us for more details.
Role: Principal Investigator
Year Funded: 2021
Duration: 2
Funded by: Other...
Other funding: Dairy Farmers of Canada
BIONEX Study - Acute Exercise and Supplementation Study
Currently recruiting participants!!! You may be eligible if you're a healthy, young, recreationally exercising adult.
Contact us:
Role: Principal Investigator
Duration: 5
Funded by: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council