Iris Epstein

Associate Professor

Email address(es):

Web site(s):


Faculty & School/Dept.

Faculty of Health - - School of Health Policy & Management - School of Nursing


PhD - 2007
Toronto University
Toronto, Ontario

Master in Nursing - 2001
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

Bachelor Science in Nursing - 1998
Montreal University
Montreal, Quebec



Dr. Iris Epstein is an Associate Professor at York University, with joint appointments in the School of Nursing, Health Policy and Management, and Critical Disability Studies. As a mixed-methods researcher and co-founder of the i.r.i.s. (Interdisciplinary Research Inclusive Strategies) Research Laboratory, Dr. Epstein leads cutting-edge research on accessibility, inclusion, and equity in health professional education, focusing on students with disabilities. Her work uses participatory action research (PAR) and co-design methodologies to explore how relationships, technology, and institutional structures shape educational experiences and practice-based learning, particularly in work-integrated learning (WIL) (clinical, field work) environments.

Dr. Epstein’s research is rooted in critical social theory, with a focus on addressing ableism and hidden power dynamics in education. Graduate students who work with Dr. Epstein will have the opportunity to engage in innovative and community based research methodology that challenges traditional educational structures and creates meaningful change for marginalized groups.

Her current research includes exploring ableism in clinical education, the micropolitics of participatory processes, and the invisible labor of co-designing accessible educational practices. Students under her supervision will develop expertise in mixed-methods research, knowledge mobilization, and co-design, while contributing to projects that have a direct impact on policy, practice, and educational theory.

Dr. Epstein’s lab is an exciting space for graduate students who are passionate about making a difference in health education and who want to work collaboratively to develop inclusive solutions. Her approach offers a unique opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience in research methodologies that are both theoretically rigorous and socially transformative.


Selected Publications

Epstein, I; Stephens L.; Baljko, M, Smith H (2024).

From insight to action: Improving access in work integrated learning with and for disabled students and educators; International Journal of Inclusive Education , submitted

Stephens, L.; Baljko, M, Smith H.; Epstein, I. (2024). Micropolitics in participatory processes: the impact of ablism and other ‘hidden’ power structures on equitable participation and outcomes, Planning Theory and Practice; in press Manuscript ID RPTP-2023-0083.R1

Epstein, I.; Stephens, L.; Baljko, M; G Procknow & P. Mastrilli. (2024). Ableism and the the discourse of Risk and Safety in Patient-Facing Work Integrated Learning; Nursing Inquiry, published open access DOI:10.1111/nin.12671

Stephens, L., Smith, H., Epstein, I., Baljko, M., Mcintosh,I., Dadashi,N., Narayani Prakash, D. (2023). Accessibility and Participatory Design: Time, Power and Facilitation. Accepted to Codesign March 2023. DOI: 10.1080/15710882.2023.2214145

Epstein, I.; Baljko, M.; Stephens, L; Magel, B.; Dadashi, N.; Smith, H. & Bulk, L. (2023). Document Landscape: Exploring What Shapes the Experiences of Disabled Students in Practice-Based Education, Canadian Journal of Disabilities Studies 11(1)

Bulk, L.Y., Franks, A., Stephens, L., Dadashi, N., Smith, H., & Epstein, I. (2023). The Invisible work of co-creating disability access in work integrated learning. Advances in Health

Sciences Education 28(5):1391-1408.doi: 10.1007/s10459-023-10216-z.

Epstein, I.; Rose, J.; Juergensen, L.; Mykitiuk, R.; MacEntee, K. Stephens, L. (2021). Thinking Rhizomatically and Becoming Successful with Disabled Students in the Accommodations Assemblage: Using Storytelling as Method; Nursing Inquiry, 29(3) DOI:10.1111/nin.12475;

Mack, T.L., Stephens, L. & Epstein, I., (2021). Removing Ableist Varies in Nursing Education: Clinical Essential Requirements, Canadian Journal of Disabilities Studies, 10,(3),147-176,

Epstein, I., Stephens, L., Mora Severino, S., Khanlou, N., Mack, T.L., Barker, D., & Dadashi, N. (2021). “Ask me what I need”: A call for shifting responsibility upwards and creating inclusive learning environments in clinical placement. Nurse Education Today, 92, 1-6.

Epstein, I., Baljko, M., Thumlert, K., Kelly, E., Smith, J. A., Su, Y., Zaki-Azat, J. N. & May, N. M. (2020). “A video of myself helps me learn”: A scoping review of the evidence of video-making for situated learning. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 14(1), 9.

Epstein, I., Bertram, M. S., Lightstone, E., Pham, T. T. T., Quach, L., Santos-Macias, J., & Skardzius, K. (2020). Feedback on video skill: A concept analysis. International Network on Youth Integration (INYI) Journal, 10(2), 5-14.

Epstein, I., Khanlou, N., Ermel, R. E., Sherk, M., Simmonds, K. K., Balaquiao, L., & Chang, K. Y. (2019). Students who identify with a disability and instructors’ experiences in nursing practice: A scoping review. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 19, 91-118.

Epstein, I., & Bertram, M. (2019). Using students’ smartphones to learn a nursing skill: Students’ perspectives. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 9(5), 24-31.

Other Research Outputs

Check out the following sites if you are interested to be involved, seeking supervision experiences or just want to use and explore some of the resources developed in the i.r.i.s lab

A. CiPA – Collective Inclusion Pathways Accessibility. In this ebook we share the findings of our 3 years study that set to explore other pathways for accommodations in higher education

CIPA report on press book

B. AcTon- Accommodation Stories - This interactive video storytelling share stories and suggestions of health professional students with disability in clinical placement AcTon: Disability Accommodation stories in placement: ecampus  PressBook -

C. Interactive Diary - This first prototype interactive diary tool set to form communications between students , faculty and clinician around acommodation - Prototype 0.01

D.Smartphone video-based and storytelling are used in a mixed method design to understand accessibility and inclusion across diverse health professional’s education and practices. The program includes several projects such as Smartphone Accommodation Resource Toolbox (SmART) , an interdisciplinary tool for accommodating teaching and learning practice-based skills,

D. AcTinsite are a multi-institutional projects which explore the accessibility and inclusions of resources and their meaning in clinical placement for health professional students who identify with disability. 

please check following site for more info.  


Currently available to supervise graduate students: Yes

Currently taking on work-study students, Graduate Assistants or Volunteers: Yes

Available to supervise undergraduate thesis projects: Not Indicated

Current Research

Research Projects 

Baljko M., Epstein, I.; Stephens, L.; Dadashi, N. (2021-2023) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC),Connection Grant. The purpose is to develop AcTinSite as a Community of Practice: Knowledge mobilization and sustainability

Epstein, I.;Stephens, L.; Baljko, M.; Stevens, B.; Khanlou, N.; Mastrilli, P.; Dadashi, N. (2020-2023).Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Insight Grant. This an interdiscipline crosssectional study with the goal of supporting Accommodation to Include Students with Disabilities in Placement Sites (AcTinSite): Visit site for more info get involved

Jarus, T.; Epstein, I.; Katzman, E.; Yoshida, K.; Stephens, L.; Aubrecht, K.; Kimpson, S.; Newton, (2019-2022)  New Frontiers in Research Fund: Exploration The goal of this health professional  interdiscipline is to co-develop Strategies for Increasing Accessibility and Equity in Health and Human Service Educational Programs: National Perspectives

Khanlou, N.; Bohr, Y.; Connolly, J.; Epstein, I.; Mgwigwi, T.; Pashang, S. Ahmad, F.; Alamdar, N.; Zahraei, S. (2020) Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project Grant: Knowledge Synthesis:COVID-19 in  Mental Health & Substance Use The goal is to develop COVID-19 Pandemic Guidelines for Mental Health Support of Racialized Women at Risk of Gender-Based Violence

Epstein, I. Khanlou, N.; Nicholson, L.; Jennings, A. Dadashi, N., Stephens, L.; Barker, D.; Mihailidis, A.; Faloutsos, P.; Andrew, J. (2018-2020) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Insight Development Grant (IDG) UNLOCS_PD; Understanding Nursing Landscape of Clinical Placements for Students with Disabilities: A Participatory Design Approach

Research Projects

Accommodation to include students with disability in clinical placement: Interdisciplinary interventions
See project website for all partners and investigators information.
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $268,000
Year Funded: 2020
Duration: 3
Funded by: Canada Foundation for Innovation

Multimedia resource to support students with disability placement communication needs : A multidisciplinary intervention
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $58,000
Year Funded: 2020
Duration: 1
Funded by: York University

Prespectives of nursing students with disability and instructors on landscape of nursing clinical placements
Using interactive diary and storytelling methodology this multi site research project explores the experiences of nursing students who identify with disability and instructors on the teaching and learning landscape of nursing clinical placements
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $77,000
Year Funded: 2017
Duration: 2
Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

SmART-Smartphone Accommodation Resource Toolbox
over 55 examples on how students use their smartphone to learn a skill
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $93.000
Year Funded: 2018
Duration: 2
Funded by: York University

Curriculum Vitae (C.V. file):

CV of Iris Epstein