Dennis Raphael
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334 Stong College - SCKeele Campus
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Research Areas
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Faculty & School/Dept.
Faculty of Health - School of Health Policy & Management
PhD - 1975
University of Toronto
Dennis Raphael, Ph.D., is Professor at the School of Health Policy and Management.
Selected Publications
The Politics of Food Insecurity in Canada and the United Kingdom (2025)
Social Determinants of Health: Canadian Perspectives, 4th edition (2025) Foreword by Matthew Green
About Canada: Health and Illness, 3rd edition (2024)
The Politics of Health in the Canadian Welfare (2020 )State
Raphael, D. (2020). Poverty in Canada: Implications for health and quality of life 3rd edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Kapalanga, J. Raphael, D. and Mutesa, L. (eds.) (2019). Science and biotechnology in Africa: Proceedings of a conference on scientific advancement. Newcastle on Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Raphael, D., Bryant. T., and Rioux, M. (eds.) (2019). Staying alive: Critical perspectives on health, illness and health care, 3rd edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. (ed.) (2016). Immigration, public policy and health: Newcomer experiences in developed nations. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. (ed.) (2012). Tackling health inequalities: Lessons from international experiences. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. (ed.) (2010). Health promotion and quality of life in Canada: Essential readings. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Blair-Williams, A. and Raphael, D. (2023). A critical analysis of the Finnish baby box’s journey into the liberal welfare state: Implications for progressive public policymaking. Children and Youth Services Review.
Govender, P., Medvedyuk, S. and Raphael, D. (2023). 1844 or 2023? Friedrich Engels’s insights into the health effects of Victorian-era and contemporary Canadian capitalism. Sociology of Health and Illness.
MacGregor, W., Horn, H. and D. Raphael (2023). Beyond empathy to system change: Four poems on health by Bertolt Brecht. Journal of Health Humanities.
Raphael, D. and Bryant, T. (2023). Socialism as the way forward: Updating a discourse analysis of the social determinants of health. Critical Public Health.
Flanagan, E. and Raphael, D. (2022). From personal responsibility to an eco-socialist state: Political economy, popular discourses and the climate crisis. Human Geography.
Sibal, P. and Raphael, D. (2022). What is behind the fluctuations in seniors’ poverty rates in Canada from 1976-2019? Canadian Review of Social Policy.
Medvedyuk, S. Govender, P., and Raphael, D. (2023). Communicating Friedrich Engels’s return to Manchester: Arts and cultural event, history lesson, or call to action? Human Geography, 16 (1), 31-44.
Raphael, D. & Bryant, T. (2022). Emerging themes in social determinants of health theory and research. International Journal of Health Services,52(4), 428–432
Raphael, D. & Bryant, T. (2022). Resisting the effects of neoliberalism on public policy. Commentary on implementing universal and targeted policies for health equity: Lessons from Australia. International Journal of Health Policy and Management.
Azadian, A., Masciangelo, M.C., Mendly-Zambo, Z., Taman, A. and Raphael, D. (in press). Corporate domination of food banks and food diversion schemes. Capital and Class.
Govender, P., Medvedyuk, S. and Raphael, D. (2022). Mainstream news media engagement with Friedrich Engels’s concept of social murder. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, 20 (1), 62-81.
Raphael, D., Bryant, T., Medvedyuk, S., Govender, P. and Mendly-Zambo, Z. (2022). Desperately seeking reductions in health inequalities in Canada and elsewhere: Polemics and anger mobilization as the way forward? Sociology of Health and Illness, 44, 130-146.
Mendly-Zambo, Z., Power, L., Khan, A., Bryant, T & Raphael, D. (2021). Islands of Isolation in a modern metropolis: Social structures and the geography of social exclusion in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Urban Research,
Muller, J. and Raphael, D. (2021). Does unionization and working under collective agreements promote health? Health Promotion International,
Medvedyuk, Govender, P., and Raphael, D. (2021). The reemergence of Engels’ concept of social murder in response to growing social and health inequalities. Social Science and Medicine,
Muller, J., Mohamed, F., Masciangelo, M. C., Komakech, M., Bryant, T., Rafiq, A., Jafry, A. and Raphael, D. (2021). A bibliometric analysis of Health Promotion International content regarding unions, unionization and collective agreements. Health Promotion International,
Mendly-Zambo, Z., Raphael, D., and Taman, A. (2021). Take the money and run: How food banks became complicit with Walmart’s hunger producing employment practices. Critical Public Health,
Saeednejad, M., Sadeghian, F., Fayaz, M., Raphael, D., Atlasi, R., Kazemzadeh Houjaghan, A., ... & Naji, Z. (2020). Association of social determinants of health and road traffic deaths: A systematic review. Bulletin of Emergency and Trauma, 8(4).
Bryant, T., Aquanno, S. & Raphael, D. (2020). Unequal impact of COVID-19: Emergency neoliberalism and Canadian welfare policy. Critical Studies 15(1), 22-39.
Raphael, D., and Bryant, T. (2020). Politics, policies, practices and outcomes: Despite Canada’s reputation, the Nordic nations are the leaders in health promotion. Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift/Journal of Social Medicine, 2020/3, 363-382.
Raphael, D., and Komakech, M. (2020). Conceptualizing and researching health equity in Africa through a political economy of health lens: Rwanda in perspective. World Development Perspectives. Online at
Raphael, D. (2019). Narrative review of affinities and differences between the social determinants of oral and general health in Canada: Establishing a common agenda. The Journal of Public Health, 41 (3), e218–e225.
Mendly-Zambo, Z. and Raphael, D. (2019). Competing discourses of household food insecurity in Canada. Social Policy and Society, 18 (4), 535-554.
Ward, T. and Raphael, D. (2019). Canada’s detention of children in immigration holding centres: Human rights violation, threat to health and reflection of Canada’s problematic political economy. The International Journal of Children's Rights, 27(3), 562-579.
Raphael, D, Chaufan, C., Bryant, T., Bakhsh, M. Bindra, J., Puran, A. Saliba, D. (2019) The cultural hegemony of chronic disease association discourse in Canada. Social Theory and Health, 17, 172-191.
Raphael, D., Komakech, M., Bryant, T., and Torrence, R. (2019). Governmental illegitimacy and incompetency in Canada and other liberal nations: Implications for health. International Journal of Health Services, 49(1), 17-36.
Raphael, D. and Sayani, A. (2019). Assuming policy responsibility for health equity: Local public health action in Ontario, Canada. Health Promotion International, 34(2), 215–226.
Raphael, D. (2018). Welfare states, cultural values and women’s precarious work: Research questions raised by welfare state and cultural values theory. Women’s Health in Urban Life, 14(1), 46-60.
Raphael, D. (2019). The social determinants of health of underserved populations in Canada. In N. Arya and T. Piggott (eds.) Pursuing health: Intervening to improve the health care of underserved populations in Canada. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press. .
Raphael, D. (2016). Social determinants of health: An overview of key issues and themes. In D. Raphael (ed.) Social determinants of health: Canadian perspectives, 3rd edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. (2016). Social structure, living conditions, and health. In D. Raphael (ed.) Social determinants of health: Canadian perspectives, 3rd edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. (2016). Early childhood development and health. In D. Raphael (ed.) Social determinants of health: Canadian perspectives, 3rd edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. and Curry-Stevens, A. (2016). Surmounting the barriers: Making action on the social determinants of health a public policy priority. In D. Raphael (ed.) Social determinants of health: Canadian perspectives, 3rd edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Sulaiman, A. and Raphael, D. (2016). Immigration: Possibilities and challenges in the 21st century. In D. Raphael (ed.), Immigration, public policy, and health: Newcomer experiences in developed nations. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. (2016). The political economy of the immigration experience In D. Raphael (ed.), Immigration, public policy, and health: Newcomer experiences in developed nations. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. (2016). Key issues and themes in the immigration experience. In D. Raphael (ed.), Immigration, public policy, and health: Newcomer experiences in developed nations.. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. (in press). The state of health equity in Ontario. In I. Bourgeault., R. Labonté, V. Runnels, V. and C. Packer (eds.). Scoping population health in Ontario. Ottawa: Public Health Intervention Research Network.
Raphael, D. and Bryant, T. (2016). Reflections on the UK’s legacy of health inequalities research and policy from a North American perspective. In K. Smith, C. Bambra, and S. Hill (eds.) Health inequalities: Critical perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bryant, T. and Raphael, D. (2015). Opening policy windows with evidence and citizen engagement: Addressing the social determinants of health inequalities. In G. Carey, K. Landvogt and J. Barraket (eds.) Creating and implementing public policy: Cross-sectoral debates. New York: Routledge.
Raphael, D. (2015). Making sense of the social determinants of health scene in Canada. In J. Silver and S. MacKinnon (eds.) The social determinants of health in Manitoba, 2nd ed. Winnipeg: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Raphael, D. (2013). The social determinants of non-communicable diseases: A political perspective. In D. McQueen (ed.) Global handbook on non-communicable diseases and health promotion. New York: Springer.
Raphael, D. (2012). Why concern ourselves with health inequalities? In D. Raphael, (ed.) Tackling health inequalities: Lessons from international experiences. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. (2012). Canadian experiences. In D. Raphael, (ed.) Tackling health inequalities: Lessons from international experiences. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. (2012). An analysis of international experiences in tackling health inequalities. In D. Raphael, (ed.) Tackling health inequalities: Lessons from international experiences. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. (2012). Critical perspectives on the social determinants of health. In E. McGibbon (ed.) Oppression: A determinant of health. Halifax: Fernwood Publishers.
Raphael, D. (2012). Implications of inequities in health for health promotion practice. In I. Rootman, S. Dupéré, A. Pederson, and O’Neill, M. (eds.). Health promotion in Canada, 3rd edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. (2010). Poverty makes us physically, mentally, socially, and ethically sick. In J. Swift, M. Dineen, and B. Balmer (eds.) Persistent poverty: Dispatches from the margins. Toronto: Between the Lines Press.
Raphael, D. (2010). An overview of the social determinants of health. In J. Silver and S. MacKinnon (eds.) The social determinants of health in Manitoba. Winnipeg: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Bryant, T., Raphael, D., and Rioux, M. Towards the future. (2010). In T. Bryant, D. Raphael, and M. Rioux (eds.). Staying alive: Critical perspectives on health, illness, and health care, 2nd edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. and Bryant, T. (2010). The political economy of public health: Public health concerns in Canada, the U.S., U.K., Norway, and Sweden. In T. Bryant, D. Raphael, and M. Rioux (eds.). Staying alive: Critical perspectives on health, illness, and health care, 2nd edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Bryant, T., Raphael, D. and Rioux, M. (2010). Researching health: Knowledge paradigms, methodologies, and methods. In T. Bryant, D. Raphael, and M. Rioux (eds.). Staying alive: Critical perspectives on health, illness, and health care, 2nd edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Pederson, A., Raphael, D., and Johnson, E. (2010). Gender, race, and health inequalities. In T. Bryant, D. Raphael, and M. Rioux (eds.). Staying alive: Critical perspectives on health, illness, and health care, 2nd edition.Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. (2010). Social determinants of health: An overview. In T. Bryant, D. Raphael, and M. Rioux (eds.). Staying alive: Critical perspectives on health, illness, and health care, 2nd edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. (2010). Setting the stage: Why quality of life? Why health promotion? In D. Raphael (ed.) Health promotion and quality of life inCanada: Essential readings. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. (2010). Can increasing concern with quality of life encourage health promoting public policy? In D. Raphael (ed.) Health promotion and quality of life in Canada: Essential readings. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. (2008). Social determinants of health: An overview of key issues and themes. In D. Raphael (ed.) Social determinants of health: Canadian perspectives, 2nd edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. (2008). Social structure, living conditions, and health. In D. Raphael (ed.) Social determinants of health: Canadian perspectives, 2ndedition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D. and Curry-Stevens, A. (2008). Surmounting the barriers: Making action on the social determinants of health a public policy priority. In D. Raphael (ed.) Social determinants of health: Canadian perspectives, 2nd. edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Raphael, D., and Bryant, T. (in press). Politics, policies, practices and outcomes: Despite Canada’s reputation, the Nordic nations are the leaders in health promotion. Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift/Journal of Social Medicine.
Raphael, D. (2019). Narrative review of affinities and differences between the social determinants of oral and general health in Canada: Establishing a common agenda. The Journal of Public Health, 41 (3), e218–e225.
Mendly-Zambo, Z. and Raphael, D. (2019). Competing discourses of household food insecurity in Canada. Social Policy and Society, 18 (4), 535-554.
Ward, T. and Raphael, D. (2019). Canada’s detention of children in immigration holding centres: Human rights violation, threat to health and reflection of Canada’s problematic political economy. The International Journal of Children's Rights, 27(3), 562-579.
Raphael, D, Chaufan, C., Bryant, T., Bakhsh, M. Bindra, J., Puran, A. Saliba, D. (2019) The cultural hegemony of chronic disease association discourse in Canada. Social Theory and Health, 17, 172-191.
Raphael, D., Komakech, M., Bryant, T., and Torrence, R. (2019). Governmental illegitimacy and incompetency in Canada and other liberal nations: Implications for health. International Journal of Health Services, 49(1), 17-36.
Raphael, D. and Sayani, A. (2019). Assuming policy responsibility for health equity: Local public health action in Ontario, Canada. Health Promotion International, 34(2), 215–226.
Raphael, D. (2018). Welfare states, cultural values and women’s precarious work: Research questions raised by welfare state and cultural values theory. Women’s Health in Urban Life, 14(1), 46-60.
Raphael, D., Bryant, T., and Mendly-Zambo, Z. (2018). Canada considers a basic income guarantee: Can it achieve health for all? Health Promotion International, 34, 1025-1031.
Raphael, D. (2018). Commentary: Understanding the promotion of health equity at the local level requires more than far more than quantitative analyses of yes-no survey data. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 7 (10), 964-967.
Power, L. and Raphael, D. (2018). Care-leavers: A British affair. Child and Family Social Work, 23 (3), 346-353.
Bryant, T. & Raphael, D. (2018). Intersectionality, the welfare state and health. Women’s Health and Urban Life, 13, 2.
Bryant, T. and Raphael, D. (2018). Welfare states, public health and health inequalities, In Oxford Bibliographies. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Kirkland, R. & Raphael, D. (2018). Perpetuating the utopia of health behaviourism: A case study of the Canadian Men’s Health Foundation’s Don’t Change Much Initiative. Social Theory and Health, 16(1), 1-19.
Power, L. and Raphael, D. (2017). Care-leavers: A British affair. Child and Family Social Work, doi:10.1111/cfs.12421
Raphael, D. & Sayani, A. (2017). Assuming policy responsibility for health equity: Local public health action in Ontario, Canada. Health Promotion International, doi: 10.1093/heapro/dax073.
Medvedyuk, S. Ali, A., and Raphael, D. (2017). Ideology, obesity and the social determinants of health: A critical analysis of the obesity and health relationship. Critical Public Health,
Bakah, M. and Raphael, D. (2017). New hypotheses regarding the Danish health puzzle. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 45 (8), 799-808.
Raphael, D. (2017). Labonté identifies key issues for health promoters in the new world order. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 6, 413-414.
Raphael, D. (2015). The political economy of health: A research agenda into means of addressing health inequalities in Canada Canadian Public Policy, 41, Supplement 2, S17-S25.
Raphael, D. and Bryant, T. (2015). Power, intersectionality and the lifecourse: Identifying the political and economic structures of welfare states that support or threaten health. Social Theory and Health, 13, 245-266.
Raphael, D. and Brassolotto, J. (2015). Understanding action on the social determinants of health: A critical realist analysis of in-depth interviews with staff of nine Ontario public health units. BMC Research Notes, 8, 105.
Bryant, T. and Raphael, D. (2015). Introduction to the special issue on the political economy of children’s health. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 62 (2), 181-185.
Raphael, D. (2015). The parameters of children’s health: Key concepts from the political economy of health literature. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 62 (2), 181-185.
Raphael, D. (2015). Beyond policy analysis: The raw politics behind opposition to healthy public policy. Health Promotion International, 30: 380-396.
Raphael, D., Brassolotto, J. and Baldeo, N. (2015). Ideological and organizational components of differing public health strategies for addressing the social determinants of health. Health Promotion International, 2015 30: 855-867.
Raphael, D. (2014). Social determinants of children’s health in Canada: Analysis and implications. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 5(2), 220-239.
Raphael, D. (2014). Challenges to promoting health in the modern welfare state: The case of the Nordic nations. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 42, 7-17.
Brassolotto, J., Raphael, D. and Baldeo, N. (2014). Epistemological barriers to addressing the social determinants of health among public health professionals in Ontario, Canada. Critical Public Health. 24, 3, 321-336.
Raphael, D. (2013). Adolescence as a gateway to adult health outcomes. Maturitas, 75, 137-141.
Bryant, T, and Raphael, D. (2013). Editorial for the special issue on the Politics of Poverty. Social Alternatives, 32, 1, 3-4.
Raphael, D. (2013). The politics of poverty: Definitions and explanations. Social Alternatives, 32, 1, 5-11.
Raphael, D. (2013). The political economy of health promotion: Part 1, national commitments to provision of the prerequisites of health. Health Promotion International, 28, 95-111.
Raphael, D. (2013). The political economy of health promotion: Part 2, national provision of the prerequisites of health. Health Promotion International, 28,112-132.
Raphael, D. (2012). Latest OECD figures confirm Canada as a public health laggard. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 103, 425-427.
Raphael, D. (2012). Educating the public about the social determinants of health: The time for local public health unit action is now! Global Health Promotion, 19, 54-50.
Raphael, D. (2011). The political economy of health promotion: Part 1, national commitments to provision of the prerequisites of health.Health Promotion International, 28, 95-111.
Raphael, D. (2011). The political economy of health promotion: Part 2, national provision of the prerequisites of health. Health Promotion International, 28, 112-132.
Raphael, D., Daiski, Pilkington, B., Bryant, T., Dinca-Panaitescu, S, and Dinca-Panaitescu, M. (2011). A toxic combination of poor social policies and programmes, unfair economic arrangements, and bad politics: The experiences of poor Canadians with Type 2 Diabetes. Critical Public Health, 22, 127-145..
Pilkington, F.B., Daiski, I., Lines, E., Bryant, T., Raphael, D., Dinca-Panaitescu, M., and Dinca-Panaitescu, S. (2011). Type 2 diabetes in vulnerable populations: Community healthcare providers’ perspectives of health service needs and policy implications.Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 35(5), 503-511.
Raphael, D. (2011). A discourse analysis of the social determinants of health. Critical Public Health, 21, 221-226.
Bryant, T., Raphael, D., Schrecker, T., and Labonte, R. (2011). Canada: A land of missed opportunities for addressing the social determinants of health. Health Policy, 101, (1), 44-58.
Huth, K, and Raphael, D. (2011). From awareness to advocacy: Empowering healthcare professionals to address the social determinants of health. McMaster University Medical Journal, 8, (1), 71-73.
Raphael, D. (2011). Mainstream media and the social determinants of health in Canada: Is it time to call it a day? Health Promotion International, 26, (2), 220-229.
Raphael, D. (2011). Poverty in childhood and adverse health outcomes in adulthood. Maturitas, 69, 22–26.
Dinca-Panaitescua, S., Dinca-Panaitescu, M., Bryant, T., Daiski, I. Pilkington, B. and Raphael, D. (2011). Diabetes prevalence and income: Results of the Canadian Community Health Survey. Health Policy99, 116–123.
Raphael, D. (2010). The health of Canada’s children. II. Health mechanisms and pathways. Paediatrics and Child Health, 15 (2), 71-76.
Raphael, D. (2010). The health of Canada’s children. III. Public policy and the social determinants of children’s health. Paediatrics and Child Health, 15 (3), 143-149.
Raphael, D. (2010). The health of Canada’s children. IV. Towards the future. Paediatrics and Child Health, 15 (4), 199-204.
Raphael, D. (2009). Restructuring society in the service of mental health promotion: Are we willing to address the social determinants of mental health? International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 11, 18-31.
Raphael, D. (2009). Poverty, human development and health in Canada: Research, practice, and advocacy dilemmas. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 41, (2), 7-18.
Bryant, T. and Raphael, D. (2009). Introduction to the special issue on social inequality and health. Humanity and Society, 33, (1/2), 1-4.
Raphael, D. (2009). Reducing social and health inequalities requires building social and political movements. Humanity and Society, 33, (1/2), 145-165.
Stewart, M., Makwarimba, E., Reutter, L., Veenstra, G., Raphael, D. & Love, R. (2009). Poverty, sense of belonging and experiences of social isolation. Journal of Poverty, 13, 173-195.
Macdonald, J., Raphael, D., Labonte, R., Colman, C., Torgerson, R. and Hayward, K. (2009). Income and health in Canada: Canadian researchers’ conceptualizations make policy applications unlikely. International Journal of Health Services, 39, 525-543.
Raphael, D. (2009). Escaping from the Phantom Zone: Social determinants of health, public health, and public policy inCanada. Health Promotion International, 24 (2), 193-198.
Reutter, L., Stewart, M., Veenstra, G., Love, R., Raphael, D., and Makwarimba, E., (2009). “Who do they think we are anyway?” Perceptions and responses to poverty stigma. Qualitative
Raphael, D., Curry-Stevens, A. and Bryant, T. (2008). Barriers to addressing the social determinants of health: Insights from the Canadian experience. Health Policy, 88, 222-235
Raphael, D. (2008). Grasping at straws: A recent history of health promotion in Canada. Critical Public Health, 18, 483-495.
Other Research Outputs
Raphael, D., Bryant, T. Mikkonen, J. and Raphael, A. (2020). Social determinants of health: The Canadian facts. Available for free download at
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