Adrienne Perry


Behaviour Analyst

Locations / Contact Info:

133B Behavioural Science - BSB
Keele Campus
Phone: 416 736 2100 Ext. 33765

Email address(es):

Web site(s):

Perry Lab

Faculty & School/Dept.

Faculty of Health - Department of Psychology


Ph. D. in Clinical-Developmental Psychology - 1990
York University
Toronto, ON

M.A. in Psychology (Developmental/Clinical Option) - 1984
York University
Toronto, ON

Honours B.A. in Psychology - 1978
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON


Dr. Perry is a Psychologist and Behaviour Analyst.  She is a full Professor in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Health, at YorkUniversity. 

Dr. Perry joined the York faculty in 2002.  She teaches graduate courses in the Clinical-Developmental program including: psychoeducational assessment, clinical assessment and diagnosis, supervision and consultation, and autism and developmental disorders. She supervises a large number of graduate students both academically and clinically in the York University Psychology Clinic.  Her research focus is in the area of autism and developmental disabilities including assessment/diagnosis, family issues, and intervention effectiveness, particularly intensive behavioural intervention. 

Dr. Perry practices as a scientist/practitioner, whereby her research, clinical practice, training & supervision, and policy work are all integrated. She is actively involved in Ontario-based organizations related to autism, developmental disabilities, professional psychology, and behaviour analysis. 

Dr. Perry worked as a Psychologist and Coordinator of Research for the TRE-ADD program (Treatment, Research, and Education for Autism and Developmental Disorders) at Thistletown Regional Centre. In addition, Dr. Perry has consulted extensively to the provincial Ministry of Children and Youth Services regarding early intervention for children with autism and related matters.  She has served on various expert panels related to these controversial issues.

Selected Publications

 Recent Chapters:

Perry, A., & Koudys, J. (2020).  Autism Spectrum Disorder. In  I. Brown & M. Percy (Eds.). Developmental disabilities in Ontario (4th ed.) pp. 263-286.  Toronto, ON: Delphi Graphics Communication

Perry, A., Koudys, J., Dunlap, G., & Black, A. (2017). Chapter 16.  Autism Spectrum Disorder.  In M. Wehmeyer, K. Shogren, &  A. Fung (Eds.).  A Comprehensive Guide to Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.  Baltimore, MD: Brookes.

Perry, A., Koudys, J., & Blacklock, K. (2016).  Early intensive behavioural intervention and training.  In N.N. Singh (Ed.), Clinical Handbook of Evidence-based Practices for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities.  Springer.  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-26583-4.


Articles in Refereed Journals (in order of recency):

Carrier, C., & Perry, A. (revise & resubmit). Exploring the relationship between anxiety and social functioning in youth with autism spectrum disorder. 

Bjornson, S. & Perry, A. (revise & resubmit). School satisfaction predicts quality of life for children with severe developmental disabilities and their families.

Koudys, J., Esteves, J., Elliott, M., Spottiswood, K., Treszl, A., Randhawa, A., & Perry, A.  (revise & resubmit).  Evaluation of a brief telehealth caregiver training to teach implementation of the Picture Exchange Communication System.

Carrier, C., & Perry, A. (revise & resubmit). Prevalence of anxiety symptoms in youth with autism spectrum disorder. 

Esteves, J., Perry, A., & Carrier, C. (revise & resubmit). Autism diagnostic assessment practices of Canadian psychologists.  

Koudys, J., Perry, A., Magnacca, C., McFee, K. (2023). Predictors of PECS outcomes.  Autism and Developmental Language Impairments.

Rinaldo, E.  & Perry, A. (2023).  Associations of age, anxiety, cognitive functioning, and social impairment with aggression in youth with autism.  Research in Autism Spectrum Disorder. 108, 102246.

Jasim, S., & Perry, A. (2023).  Repetitive and restricted behaviors and interests in autism spectrum disorder: relation to individual characteristics and mental health problems.  BMC Psychiatry, 23(1), 1-14.

Graziozi, G., & Perry, A. (2023).  Age and sex differences in problem behaviours in youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 100, 102075.

Kuan, T., Weiss, O., & Perry, A. (2022). The experience of Canadian immigrant families of children with autism spectrum disorder.  Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 27(3),1-17.

Koudys, J., Perry, A., McFee, K., & Bebko, J. (2022).  Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) use in a community setting: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 34, 829-852.

Långh, U., Cauvet, E., Perry, A., Eikeseth, S., & Bolte, S. (2022).  Enriched supervision to increase quality of Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention in autism: A pragmatic randomized controlled pilot study. European Journal of Behavior Analysis. 23 (1), 62-77.

Koudys, J., Perry, A., Ho, H., & Charles, M. (2021). Mental health status of youth with ASD who received Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention as young children. Child and Family Behavior Therapy, 43(2), 103-113.

Esteves, J. Perry, A., Spiegel, R, & Weiss, J. (2021). Occurrence and predictors of challenging behavior in youth with intellectual disability with or without autism. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 14(2), 189-201.

Ho, H., Perry, A., & Koudys, J.  (2021).  Systematic review of ABA interventions for children with Intellectual Disabilities without autism. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 65(1), 11-31.

Perry, A., Charles, M., Zapparoli, B., & Weiss, J. (2020).  School satisfaction in parents of children with severe developmental disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 33(6), 1448-1456.

Långh, U., Perry, A., Eikeseth, S., & Bölte, S. (2020). Quality of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention as a predictor of children's outcome. Behavior Modification.

Perry, A., Koudys, J., Prichard, E.A., & Ho, H. (2019).  Follow-up study of youth who received EIBI as young children.  Behavior Modification, 43(2), 181-201.

Patterson, A., Perry, A., & Shine, R.N.  (2018).  Family Quality of Life when there is more than one child with a developmental disability.  Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 23(3), 80-89.

Perry, A., Charles, M., Ncube, B., & Weiss, J. (2018). The GO4KIDDS school satisfaction scale. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. Wiley Online. DOI 10.1111/jar.12532.

Ho, H., Perry, A., & Fergus, K. (2018). Looking back and moving forward: The experiences of Canadian parents  raising an adolescent with ASD.  Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 52, 12-22.

Ncube, B., Perry, A., & Weiss, J.  (2018). The quality of life of children with severe developmental disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 62(3), 237-244.

Taheri, A., Minnes, P., & Perry, A. (2017). Exploring factors that impact activity participation of children and adolescents with severe developmental disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 61 (12), 1151-1161. 

Weiss, J.A., Ting, V., & Perry, A. (2016).  Psychosocial correlates of psychiatric diagnoses and maladaptive behaviour in youth with severe developmental disability.  Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60(6):583-593. 

Taheri, A., Perry, A., & Minnes, P. (2016).  Examining the social participation of children and adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder in relation to peers. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60(5), 435-443. DOI: 10.1111/jir.12289

Perry, A., & Isaacs, B. (2015).  Validity of the Family Quality of Life Survey-2006. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities.  DOI: 10.1111/jar.12141

Perry, A., Taheri, A., Ting, V., & Weiss, J. (2015). The GO4KIDDS Brief Adaptive Scale. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities.  DOI: 10.1111/jar.12143

Solish, A., Perry, A., & Shine, R. (2015). The Parent Involvement Questionnaire: Measuring parents’ involvement in behavioural intervention for their children with autism.  Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 21(1), 35-46

Minnes, P., Perry, A., & Weiss, J. (2015).  Predictors of distress and well-being in parents of young children with developmental delays and disabilities: The importance of parent perceptions. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities Research 59(6), 551-560.  DOI: 10.1111/jir.12160.

McMorris, C.&  Perry, A. (2015). The criterion validity of the Pervasive Developmental Disorders Behavior Inventory.  Autism, 19(3), 272-80. DOI: 10. 1177?1362361313518123. 

Carvalho, M., Perry, A., Bebko, J., & Minnes, P. (2014). Social inclusion of Ontario children with developmental disabilities in community settings.  Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 20(3),88-93.

Colavita, V., Luthra, N., & Perry, A. (2014). Strengths and challenges of children with a disability: A qualitative analysis of parent perceptions.  Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 20(3),83-87.

Taheri, A., Perry, A., & Factor, D.C. (2014).   A further examination of the DSM-5 ASD criteria in practice. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 20(1), 92-97.

Shuster, J., Perry, A., Bebko, J., & Toplak, M.  (2014).  Review of factor analytic studies examining symptoms of autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44, 90-110. 

Blacklock, K., Perry, A., & Dunn Geier, J. (2014).  Examining the effectiveness of Intensive Behavioural Intervention in children with autism aged 6 and older.  Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 20 (1), 38-50.

Perry, A., Blacklock, K., & Dunn Geier, J.  (2013).  The relative importance of age and IQ as predictors of outcomes.  Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7, 1142-1150.

Villeneuve, M., Chatenoud, C., Hutchinson, N.L.,  Minnes, P., Perry, A.,  Dionne, C.,  Frankel, E.B., Isaacs, B., Loh, A., Versnel, J., Weiss, J. (2013). The experience of parents as their children with Developmental Disabilities from early intervention  to kindergarten. Canadian Journal of Education, 36 (1), 4-43.  

Whitehead, S., Blacklock, K., & Perry, A. (2012).  Reliability of the York Measure of Quality of Intensive Behavioural Intervention (YMQI).  Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 18(3), 63-67.

Blacklock, K., Weiss, O., Perry, A., & Freeman, N.L. (2012).   Parents’ perception of progress versus children's actual progress in IBI.  Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 18(3), 60-62.

Taheri, A., & Perry, A. (2012).   Exploring the Proposed DSM-5 Criteria in a Clinical Sample.  Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42, 1810-1817.

Flanagan, H.E., Perry, A., & Freeman, N.L.  (2012). Effectiveness of large-scale, community-based intensive behavioural intervention: A waitlist comparison study exploring outcome and predictors. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6, 673-682.

Minnes, P., Hutchinson, N., Ouellette-Kuntz, H., Villeneuve, M., Chatenoud, C., Dionne, C., Frankel, E., Isaacs, B., Loh, A., Perry, A., Weiss, J., & Versnel, J. (2012). Including children with developmental disabilities. International Innovation: Healthcare (Research Media, UK), 16, 72-74.

Luthra, N., & Perry, A. (2011).  Knowledge as coping in parents of children with autism. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 17(2), 79-82.

Levy, A.J., & Perry, A. (2011).  Outcomes in adolescents and adults with autism: A review of the literature.  Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5, 1271-1282.

VanAdel, J.M., Dunn Geier, J., Perry, A., & Reitzel, J. (2011).  Credible knowledge: A pilot evaluation of a modified  GRADE method using parent-implemented interventions for children with autism. BMC Health Services Research, 11, 60-79.

Hassan, N., & Perry, A.  (2011).  Brief report:  Exploring the characteristics of children with a diagnosis of PDD-NOS. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 17(1), 68-71.

Perry, A., Cummings, A., Dunn Geier, J., Freeman, N.L., Hughes, S., Managan, T., Reitzel, J., & Williams, J. (2011). Predictors of outcome for children receiving Intensive Behavioral Intervention in a large, community-based program.  Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5, 592-603.

Weiss, O., Perry, A. & Wells (2010).  Brief Report: Maladaptive behaviour in autism. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 16(2), 69-71.

Blacklock, K., & Perry, A.  (2010). Testing the application of benchmarks for children in Ontario’s IBI program: Six case studies. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 16(2), 33-43.

Perry, A., & Condillac, R.A. (2010). The TRE-ADD Preschool Parent Training Program: Program evaluation of an innovative service delivery model.  Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 16(2), 8-16.

Freeman, N.L., & Perry, A. (2010). Outcomes of Intensive Behavioural Intervention in the Toronto Preschool Autism Service.  Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 16(2), 17-32.

Shine, R. & Perry, A. (2010). Brief Report: The relationship between parental stress and intervention outcome of children with autism. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 16(2), 64-66.

Solish, A., Perry, A., & Minnes, P. (2010).  Participation of children with and without disabilities in social, recreational, and leisure activities. Journal of Applied Research in Disabilities, 23, 226-236.


Other Research Outputs

York System of Quality Assurance (YSQA)

Perry, A., Koudys, J., & Sheese, K. (2008). The York System of Quality Assurance for Intensive Behavioural Intervention programs. Unpublished Manual, York University.

York Measure of Quality of IBI (YMQI)

Perry, A., Prichard, E.A., & Penn, H.E. (2008). The York Measure of Quality of Intensive Behavioural Intervention. Unpublished Manual, York University.

For further information, please contact



Directors’ Award of Excellence - 2000

Award for Excellence in Research, Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities - 2005

Amethyst Award, Government of Ontario - 2001

Graduate Teaching Award - 2007

Award for Excellence in Research in Applied Behaviour Analys - 2007

June Callwood "Inspiring Hope" Award - 2010

Thistletown Regional Centre, Lifetime Achievement Award - 2012

Award for Service Excellence, Ontario Association on Behaviour Analysis - 2024


Currently available to supervise graduate students: No

Currently taking on work-study students, Graduate Assistants or Volunteers: No

Available to supervise undergraduate thesis projects: Yes

Current Research

Mental Health in Children and Youth with Autism

  • Frequency & predictors of mental health  and behavioural problems
  • Repetitive behaviour in relation to mental health problems
  • Relation between aggression and anxiety
  • Mental health status of youth who received early behavioural intervention as young children

Sex Differences in Autism

  • Age & gender trajectories of problem behaviour
  • Subtypes of girls with autism
  • Factor structure of autism in girls and boys

Effectiveness of Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI) for Children with Autism

  • Follow-up of adolescents who receive EIBI as young children
  • Long-term outcomes of IBI
  • Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) effectiveness with parent-implemented delivery

Measuring Quality of IBI Treatment

  • York Measure of Quality of Intensive Behavioural Intervention
  • York System of Quality Assurance
  • Dimensions of quality in IBI

Diagnostic Measures and Processes

  • CARS in different age and IQ groups
  •  Factor structure of ADOS and ADI-R in different age and IQ groups
  • Survey of Canadian professionals diagnosing ASD

Families of Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities

  • Perry model of family stress in families of children with developmental disabilities
  • Immigrant families of children with autism
  • Mothers copared to fathers in specific aspects of stress and coping
  • Reconfiguring measures of stress and coping for parents of chidren with autism
  • Factors related to parent involvement in IBI: parent & therapist perspectives
  • Examining family stress as predictor of children’s outcomes in IBI
  • Role of culture in impact of autism on families
  • Predicting positive outcomes and quality of life for parents of children with autism
  • Coping and supports as moderators of distress in parents of children with developmental delays

Social Inclusion and Activity Participation

  • Activity participation of children with autism, developmental disabilities, and typically developing children
  • Social inclusion of preschool children with delays and disabilities (HELPS Inc)

GO4KIDDS Projects

  • Survey of Health, Wellbeing, and Social Inclusion of children with severe developmental disabilities across Canada and that of their parents
  • Family Quality of Life in parents of children with severe developmental disabilities
  • Social inclusion of children with severe developmental disabilities in educational and community settings
  • Healthcare and service system needs of youth with severe developmental disabilities across Canada

Curriculum Vitae (C.V. file):

CV of Adrienne Perry