Antony Chum
Canada Research Chair (tier 2)
Locations / Contact Info:
301F Stong College - SCKeele Campus
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Faculty & School/Dept.
Faculty of Health - School of Kinesiology & Health Science
PhD - 2012
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON
Antony is the Canada Research Chair (tier 2) in Population Health Data Science. Drawing on the disciplines of social epidemiology, geospatial analytics, and machine learning, Antony’s research investigates the social and built-environmental determinants of health and evaluate policies to build healthier cities and communities, especially for marginalized groups such as the homeless, low-income, racialized, and LGBTQ+ people. His research approach combines population health data sciences (“big data” analysis) and the application of rigorous social theories (e.g. intersectionality, social ecological theory, minority stress theory, etc.) to investigate social determinants of health and to evaluate interventions aimed at eliminating health disparities.
Selected Publications
Bai, Y., Kim, C., & Chum, A. (2024). Effect of same-sex marriage legalisation on the health of ethnic minority lesbian, gay and bisexual people: a quasi-experimental study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
Kim, C, Bai, Y, Cao, P, Ienciu, K, and Chum, A. (2024). The impact of recreational cannabis legalization on cannabis-related acute care events among adults with schizophrenia. Accepted by Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Kim, C, Bai, Y, Ienciu, K, Corrado, A, Elchenberg, K, and Chum, A. (2024). Mental health disparities across sexual orientations during the COVID-19 pandemic: longitudinal analysis of a UK nationally representative cohort. Public Health.
Bai, Y., Kim, C., Levitskaya, E., Burneiko, N., Ienciu, K., & Chum, A. (2024). Long-term trends in mental health disparities across sexual orientations in the UK: A longitudinal analysis (2010–2021). Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Bai, Y., Kim, C., & Chum, A. (2024). The Impact of Minimum Wage Policy on Alcohol Use Disorder: A Quasi-Experimental Study in South Korea. American journal of epidemiology, kwae315. Advance online publication.
Kim, C., Bai, Y., Allin, S., Kirst, M., O’Campo, P., Ienciu, K., Xia, X., MacMaster, F., Rittenbach, K., & Chum, A. (2024). Cannabis legalization and hospitalizations in Alberta: Interrupted time series analysis by age and sex. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 1–4.
Kim, C, Bai, Y, Dusing, G, Nielsen, A, and Chum, A (2024). The impact of minimum wage increase on suicidal behaviours in South Korea: a difference-in-differences analysis using nationally representative panel data. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Kim, C, Dusing, G, Jin. H, and Chum, A (2024). Examining the effects of social assistance on suicide-related behaviour among impoverished older adults in Korea using a nationwide cohort study from 2010–2019. Scientific Reports.
Kim, C, Bai, Y, O’Campo, P, Chum A. (2024) Impact of the minimum wage increase on intimate partner violence (IPV): a quasi-experimental study in South Korea. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Published Online First: 23 January 2024.
Kim, C, Jin, H, Kang, G, Dusing, G, Chum, A (2024). Patterns of follow-up mental health care after hospitalization for suicide-related behaviors among older adults in South Korea. Journal of Affective Disorders. Volume 350, 2024, Pages 313-318.
Dusing, G, Kim, C, Nielsen, A, and Chum, A (2024). Disparities in substance use-related acute care across sexual orientations in Canada. Public health. 226, 32-38.
Cupchik, G, Damasco, V, Kiosses, E, Rebello, C, Ignacio, Chum, A, Makarious, M, & Hilscher M (2023). Profiles in Pandemic Response: Situational Helplessness versus Coherent Resilience. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science.
Bai Y, Kim C, and Chum A (2023). Impact of the minimum wage increase on smoking behaviour: a quasi-experimental study in South Korea. Social Science and Medicine.
Kim C, Dusing G, Nielsen A, MacMaster F, Rittenbach K, Allin S, O’Campo P, Penney T, Hamilton H, Kirst M, and Chum A (2023). “Disparities in cannabis-related emergency department visits across depressed and non-depressed individuals and the impact of recreational cannabis policy in Ontario, Canada” Psychological Medicine.
Chum, A, Kim, C, Nielsen, A, Dusing, G, O’Campo, P, Matheson, F, Barker, L, Vigod, S, Ling, V, Fung, K, Kennedy, S. (2023). Disparities in suicide-related behaviours across sexual orientations by gender: a retrospective cohort study using linked health administrative data. American Journal of Psychiatry.
Azra K, Nielsen A, Kim C, Dusing G, and Chum C. (2023) Investigating suicide related behaviours across sexual orientation and neighbourhood deprivation levels: A cohort study using linked health administrative data." PLoS ONE 18(3): e0282910.
Nielsen, A, Azra, K, Kim, C, Dusing, G, Chum, A. (2023). Is the association between sexual minority status and suicide-related behaviours modified by rurality? A discrete-time survival analysis using longitudinal health administrative data. Social Science and Medicine.
Kim C, Chum A, Nielsen A, Allin S, Penney TL, Rittenbach K, et al. (2022) Associations between recreational cannabis legalization and cannabis-related emergency department visits by age, gender, and geographic status in Ontario, Canada: An interrupted time series study. PLoS ONE 17(10): e0268718.
Kim, C, Teo, C, Nielsen, A, & Chum, A. (2022). Macro-level gender equality and women’s depressive symptoms in South Korea: a longitudinal study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Kim, C, Chum, A, Nielsen, A, MacMaster, F, Rittenbach, K, Allin, S, O’Campo, P, Kirst, M, & Hamilton, H. (2022). Cannabis legalization and cannabis-related hospitalizations in Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Kim, C, Teo, C, Nielsen, and Chum A. (2022). What are the mental health consequences of austerity measures in public housing? A quasi-experimental study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
Kim, C, Nielsen, Teo, C, and Chum A. (2022). Social movement and mental health of Korean women sexual violence survivors, 2012-2019. American Journal of Public Health.
Kim, C, Azra, K, Teo, C, Nielsen, A, Bellow, Z, Young, T, and Chum A. (2021). Do income security programs have a causal effect on suicide mortality? A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open.
Chum, A, Kaur, S, Teo, C, Nielsen, A, Muntaner, C, & P. O’Campo. (2021) The impact of changes in job security on mental health across gender and family responsibility: evidence from the UK Household Longitudinal Study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Teo, C, Kim, C, Nielsen, A, Young, T, O'Campo, P, and Chum, A. (2021). Did the UK COVID-19 lockdown modify the influence of neighbourhood disorder on psychological distress? Evidence from a prospective cohort study. Frontiers in Psychiatry.
Teo, C, Metheny, N, & Chum, A. (2021). Family support modifies the effect of changes to same-sex marriage legislation on LGB mental health: evidence from a UK cohort study. European Journal of Public Health.
Chum A, Nielsen, A, Bellows, Z, Farrell, E, Durette, P, Banda, J, Cupchik, G. (2021) Changes in Public Response Associated With Various COVID-19 Restrictions in Ontario, Canada: Observational Infoveillance Study Using Social Media Time Series Data. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Chum, A, Neilsen, A, & Teo, C (2021). Sleep problems among sexual minorities: a longitudinal study on the influence of the family of origin and chosen family. BMC Public Health.
Chum, A, Teo, C, & Azra, K. (2021). Does the impact of neighbourhood cohesion on mental health differ by ethnicity: a UK longitudinal study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Teo, C., & Chum, A. (2020). The effect of neighbourhood cohesion on mental health across sexual orientations: A longitudinal study. Social Science & Medicine, 113499.
Labetski, A and Chum, A. (2020) Built Environmental Correlates of Cycling Accidents Involving Fatalities and Serious Injuries in London, UK. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities.
Chum, A., Wang, R., Nisenbaum, R., O’Campo, P., Stergiopoulos, V., Hwang, H. (2020) The effect of a housing intervention on selected cardiovascular risk factors among homeless adults with mental illness: 24-month follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Heart Association, 9,
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Assistant Professor
MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions, St. Michael's Hospital, Unity Health Toronto
Affiliate Scientist
Currently available to supervise graduate students: Yes
Currently taking on work-study students, Graduate Assistants or Volunteers: Yes
Available to supervise undergraduate thesis projects: Yes
Research Projects
Evaluating the impact of recreational cannabis legalization on acute care outcomes
Role: Principal Investigator
Year Funded: 2020
Duration: 4
Funded by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Investigating self harm behaviours in trans and non-binary individuals, equity in access to follow-up care, and the impact of public policies and gender-affirming healthcare
Role: Principal Investigator
Year Funded: 2023
Duration: 4
Funded by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Investigating the social determinants of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual mental health in Canada
Role: Principal Investigator
Year Funded: 2020
Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Social and policy determinants of self harm across gender identities in Canada
Role: Principal Investigator
Year Funded: 2023
Duration: 3
Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Social policy solutions to deaths and diseases of despair in Canada
Role: CoInvestigator
Year Funded: 2023
Duration: 2
Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Suicide-Related Behaviours of Lesbians, Gay, and Bisexual individuals in Ontario: Investigating the Socio-Environmental Determinants of Risk and Care using Linked Longitudinal Population-Based Data
Role: Principal Investigator
Year Funded: 2020
Funded by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Understanding disparities in substance use related crisis across sexual orientations in Canada
Role: Principal Investigator
Year Funded: 2020
Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council