Dr. Doug McCann

Senior Scholar, Psychology Department (Emeritus)

Email address(es):


Faculty & School/Dept.

Faculty of Health - Department of Psychology


Ph.D. - 1982
Western University


Trent University, University of Waterloo (Hons. BA), University of Western Ontario (MA, PHD), Ohio State Univerisity (Post-Doctoral Fellowship, U.S.Department of the Navy - Department of Defence).  Graduate Courses Taught - Social/Personality Area (Social Cognition, The Social Self, Foundations of Personality and Social Psychology), Developmental Science Area (Social-Emotional Development), Clinical Psychology Area, (Foundations of Clinical Psychology). Undergraduate Courses Taught - Psychology of Depression, Social Psychology, Personality Psychology, Introductory Psychology.

Selected Publications


McCann, D., Weiten, W., & Matheson, D.  (2022). Psychology: Themes and Variations (6th Cdn. Edition). Toronto: Cengage.

McCann, D., & Endler, N.S. (Eds.) (1990). Depression: New Directions in Theory, Research, and Practice. Toronto: Wall & Thompson.

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:

Rizeq, J., & McCann, D. (under review).  Pathways to risky and self-destructive behaviours within the context of trauma history and emotional processing. Journal of Affective Disorders.

Rizeq, J., & McCann, D.  (2023). The cognitive, emotional and behavioral sequelae of trauma exposure: An integrative approach to examining trauma’s effect. Psychological Trauma, 15(2), 313-321. https://doi.org/10.1037/tra0001152

Rizeq, J. , Flora, D. B. and McCann, D. (2020) Construct validation of the Trauma Symptom Checklist–40 total and subscale scores. Assessment, 27(5), pp. 1016-1028. (doi: 10.1177/1073191118791042) (PMID:30043618)

Rizeq, J., & McCann, D. (2019). Trauma and affective forecasting: The mediating effect of emotion dysregulation on predictions of negative affect. Personality and Individual Differences, 147(1), 172-176.

Young, R.E., Goldberg, J.O., Struthers, C.W., McCann, D., & Phills, C.E. (2019). The subtle side of stigma: Understanding and reducing mental illness stigma from a contemporary prejudice perspective. Journal of Social Issues. 75(3), 943–971. https://doi.org/10.1111/josi.12343



Faulty of Arts Teaching Award

Department of Psychology Teaching Award


Currently available to supervise graduate students: No

Currently taking on work-study students, Graduate Assistants or Volunteers: No

Available to supervise undergraduate thesis projects: No

Current Research


Dr. McCann is interested in trauma, social cognition, and behavioural economics. Current projects are directed at: the nature and sequelae of complex trauma, behavioural economics, affective forecasting, and social-cognitive processes in depression and anxiety, .