Michaela Hynie
Locations / Contact Info:
Kaneff Tower 849Keele CampusPhone: 416 736 2100 Ext. 22996
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Faculty & School/Dept.
Faculty of Health - Department of Psychology
Ph.D. - 1996
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
Selected Publications
Umubyeyi, B., Babenko-Mould, Y., Hynie, M., Regan, S., & Leipert, B. (2024). A nurturing and caring environment to facilitate nursing students' professional development in Rwanda: a focused ethnographic study. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 21(1). DOI: 10.1515/ijnes-2023-0064.
Zangiabadi, S., Hynie, M., & Tamim, H. (2023). Effect of need and availability of language interpreter on satisfaction and trust with healthcare services and professionals among Syrian refugee parents in Ontario. Journal of Public Health. DOI: 10.1007/s10389-023-02151-5
Hamidi, F., Kidane, T., Owuor, P., Hynie, M., & Baljko, M. (2023). Supporting social inclusion with DIY-ATs: Perspectives of Kenyan caregivers of children with cognitive disabilities. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, 16(3), 1-27 doi.org/10.1145/3616378
Hynie, M., Oda, A., Calaresu, M., Kuo, B.C.H., Ives, N., Jaimes, A., Bokore, N., Beukeboom, C., Ahmad, F., Arya, N., Samuel, R., Farooqui, S., Palmer-Dyer, J.-L., & McKenzie, K. (2023). Access to virtual mental health care and support for immigrant and refugee groups: A scoping review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10903-023-01521-1
McGuire, K. & Hynie, M. (2023). Virtual care and social support for refugee mothers during COVID-19: A qualitative analysis. INYI Journal, https://doi.org/10.25071/1929-8471.111
Ruderman, M. & Hynie, M. (2023). Existence and resistance: Activist performing artists’ negotiation of the business self. Qualitative Psychology. DOI: 10.1037/qup0000257
Tesfai, A., Hynie, M., & Meyer-Weitz, A. (2023). Human rights violations and mistrust among refugees in South Africa: Implications for public health during the COVID pandemic. Social Sciences, 12, 224. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12040224
Umuziga, M. P., Gishoma, D., Hynie, M., Nyirazinyoye, L., & Nsereko, E. (2023). Predicting postnatal depressive symptoms in a prospective cohort study in Rwanda: The impact of poor maternal social support. Frontiers in Global Women's Health, 4. https://doi.org/10.3389/fgwh.2023.1113483.
Wanigaratne, S., Rayner, J., Glazier, R. H., Stukel, T. A., Lu, H., Gandhi, S., Saunders, N. R., Hynie, M., Kilibarda, A., & Guttmann, A. (2023). Primary health care utilization in the first year after arrival by refugee sponsorship model in Ontario, Canada: A population-based cohort study. PLOS ONE, 18(7). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0287437
Hynie, M. & Samuel, R. (2023). The social determinants of refugee health in the Canadian context. In D. Helly & E. Martani (Eds.).Asylum and resettlement in Canada: Historical development, successes, challenges and lessons learned (pp. 174-193). Genoa, Italy: Genova University Press.
Hamidi, F., Mbullo, P.O., Hynie, M., & Baljko, M. (2022). “Knowledge comes through participation”: Understanding disability through the lens of DIY assistive technology in Western Kenya. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6, 1-25.
Hynie, M., Jaimes, A., Oda, A., Rivest-Beauregard, M., Perez Gonzalez, L., Ives, N., Ahmad, F., Kuo, B.C.H., Arya, N., Bokore, N., & McKenzie, K. (2022). Health access for refugees during the COVID-19 pandemic using the Levesque Client-Centered Framework: What have we learned and how will we plan for the future? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 1-17.
Islam, F., Qasim, S., Ali, M., Hynie, M., Shakya, Y., & McKenzie, K. (2022). South Asian youth mental health in Peel Region, Canada: Service provider perspectives. Transcultural Psychiatry, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1177/13634615221119384
Ives, N., McGrath, S., Mohammad, R., Oda, A., Bridekirk, J., Hynie, M., Awwad, M., Sherrel, K., Khalaf, M., Diaz, M., and SyRIA.lth. (2022). Syrian refugees’ participation in language classes: Motivators and barriers. Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees, 38(2), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.25071/1920-7336.40799
Oda, A., Al Mhamied, A., Al-Saadi, R., Arya, N., Awwad, M., Hajjar, O., Hanley J., Hynie, M., Ives, N., Jamil, R. F.,Khalaf, M., Khayr, R., Kuo, B. C. H., Massijeh, M., Mohammad, R., & Sherrell K. (2022). Ethical challenges of conducting a national longitudinal mixed-method community-based research study: Reflections from peer researchers. In K. Grabska & C. Clark-Kazak (Eds.). Documenting Displacement: Questioning Methodological Boundaries in Forced Migration Research. (pp. 29-55). Montreal, Canada: McGill-Queens University Press.
Tesfai, A., Hynie, M., Karim, R., Kilicaslan, G., Ekmekcioglu, C., & Taylor, P. (2022). Social trust among refugees: Using a human rights lens to understand refugee experiences. In F. M. Moghaddam & M. J. Hendricks (Eds.), Contemporary immigration: Psychological perspectives to address challenges and inform solutions (pp. 243–261). American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/0000294-013
Umuziga, M.P., Gishoma, D., Hynie, M. et al. Antenatal depressive symptoms in rwanda: rates, risk factors, and social support. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 22, 193 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-022-04522-4
Korntheuer, A., Hynie, M., Kleist, M., Farooqui, S., Lutter, E., & Westphal, M. (2021). Inclusive resettlement? Integration pathways of resettled refugees with disabilities in Germany and Canada. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 3, https://doi.org/10.3389/fhumd.2021.668264
Oda A., Beukeboom, C., Bridekirk, J., Bayoumi, A., & Hynie, M. (2021). Prevalence of daily cigarette smoking amongst Syrian refugees during their first two years in Canada. Community Mental Health Journal. 23, 640-645. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10903-021-01153-3
Smith, E.P., Htoo, S., Hynie, M., & McGrath, S. (2021). Group refugee resettlement in Canada: Learning from the Karen. In B. Sethi, S., Guruge, & R., Csiernik (Eds.) Understanding the refugee experience in the Canadian context. (pp.100-113). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Umubyeyi, B. N., Babenko-Mould, Y., Regan, S., Leipert, B., & Hynie M. (2021). A “Co-CREATES” framework to foster a positive learning environment for nursing students’ professional development in Rwanda. Nurse Education in Practice, 53(1), 103053. DOI: 10.1016/j.nepr.2021.103053
Bridekirk, J., Hynie, M., & SyRIA.lth. (2020). The impact of education and employment quality on self-rated mental health among Syrian refugees in Canada. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 23, 290-297. 10.1007/s10903-020-01108-0
Ahmad, F., Othman, N. Hynie, M., Bayoumi, A. M., Oda, A. & McKenzie, K. (2020) Depression-level symptoms among Syrian refugees: findings from a Canadian longitudinal study. Journal of Mental Health. 10.1080/09638237.2020.1765998
Abojedi, A., Alamgir, A., Nudel, S., Siddiqi, R., Janczur, A., McKenzie, K., Roche, B., & Hynie, M. (2020). Impact of family loss and separation on refugee youth: Implications for policy and programs—scoping review. Canadian Diversity, 17(2), 37-46.
Hynie, M., Tuck, A., Oda A., Agic, B., & McKenzie, K. (2020). Health care and the Canadian Syrian Resettlement Initiative: Understanding Syrian newcomers’ needs and health care access in context. In A. Korntheuer, D. B. Maehler, P. Pritchard, & L. Wilkinson (Eds.), Refugees in Canada and Germany: Responses in policy and practice (pp 171-188). (GESIS-Schriftenreihe, 25). Köln: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. https://doi.org/10.21241/ssoar.66728
Su, C. & Hynie, M. (2020). Chinese and Canadian identity on responses to the experience of shame and guilt. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
Tuck, A., Oda, A., Hynie, M., Bennett-Abuayyash, C., Roche, B., Agic, B., & McKenzie, K. (2020). Health needs and service use of newly arrived Syrian refugees. In L. K. Hamilton, L. Veronis, M.Walton-Roberts (Eds.) A national project: Canada’s Syrian refugee resettlement experience. (pp. 85-103). Montreal, Canada: McGill-Queen’s University Press. doi:10.2307/j.ctv176ktst.10
Umuziga, M. P., Adejumo, O. & Hynie, M. (2020). The social determinants of maternal mental health in Rwanda. BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth, 20, 68-90. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-020-2747-z.
Qasim, K. & Hynie, M. (2019). Exploring an Islamically integrated peer support model for Muslim Syrian refugees. In M. Zangeneh & A. Al-Krenawi (Eds.), Culture, diversity and mental health—Enhancing clinical practice. (pp. 133-148). New York: Springer
Hynie, M.,McGrath, S., Bridekirk, J., Oda, A., Ives, N., Hyndman, J., Arya, N., Shakya, Y. B., Hanley, J., McKenzie, K., and SyRIA.lth. (2019). What role does type of sponsorship play in early integration outcomes? Syrian refugees resettled in six Canadian cities. Refuge
Su, C. & Hynie, M. (2019). A cross-cultural study on the experience of shame and guilt. In M. Zangeneh (Ed.), Culture, diversity and mental health—Enhancing clinical practice. (pp. 243-262). New York: Springer
Su, C. & Hynie, M. (2019). A cross-cultural study on dimensions of shame and guilt between Mainland Chinese and Euro-Canadians. In M. Zangeneh (Ed.), Culture, diversity and mental health—Enhancing clinical practice (pp. 263-284).New York: Springer
Tuck, A., Oda, A., Hynie, M., Bennett-AbuAyyash, C., Roche, B., Agic, B., & McKenzie, K. (2019). Unmet health care needs for Syrian refugees in Canada: A follow up study. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10903-019-00856-y
Bridekirk, J. & Hynie, M. (2018). Education, employment and mental health outcomes for Syrian refugee newcomers. Psynopsis, 40(4), 16. https://cpa.ca/docs/File/Psynopsis/2019-Vol40-4/index.html
Hanley, J., Al Mhamied, A., Cleveland, J., Hajjar, O., Hassan, G., Ives, N., Khyar, R., & Hynie, M. (2018). The social networks, social support and social capital of Syrian refugees privately sponsored to settle in Montreal: Indications for employment and housing during their early experiences of integration. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 50(2), 123-148.
Hynie, M. (2018). Social determinants of refugee health. In N. Arya & T. Piggot (Eds.) (pp 202-223). Under-served:Health determinants of indigenous, inner-city and migrant populations in Canada. Toronto, Canada: Canadian Scholars.
Hynie, M. (2018). Canada’s Syrian refugee program, intergroup relationships and identities. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 50(2), 1-14.
Hynie, M. (2018). Refugee integration: Research and policy. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 24(3):.265-276.
Hynie, M. (2018). The social determinants of refugee mental health in the post-migration context: A critical review. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(5).297-303. doi/10.1177/0706743717746666
Korntheuer , A., Hynie, M., Korn, A., Shimwe, B., & Homa, L. (2018). Education pathways: policy implications for refugee youth in Germany and Canada. In S. Pashang, N. Khanlou, & J., Clarke (Eds.). Youth and mental health—Hope, power, and resilience. (pp. 287-304). Advances in Mental Health and Addiction. New York: Springer.
Qasim, K., & Hynie, M. (2018). Looking to God, within or both? Coping in Muslim Syrian refugees. Psynopsis, 40(4), 14-15, https://cpa.ca/docs/File/Psynopsis/2019-Vol40-4/index.html
Hamidi, F., Owuor, P.M., Hynie, M., Baljko, M., & McGrath, S. (2017). Potentials of digital assistive technology and special education in Kenya. In C. Ayo, & V. Mbarika (Eds.), Handbook of Research on sustainable ICT adoption and integration for socio-economic development (pp. 151-169). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Hynie, M., Qasim, K., & Das, M. (2017). Access to health care in Canada. In A. Korntheueur & P. Pritchard (Eds.). Structural context of refugee integration in Canada and Germany. GESIS Series, 15 (pp. 81-86). Cologne, Germany: GESIS—Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences.
Islam, F., Amanprett, M., Hynie, M., Shakya, Y., & McKenzie, K. (2017). Mental health of South Asian youth in Peel Region: Determinants, coping strategies, and service access. BMJ Open, 7(11):e018265.
Jones, J.M. & Hynie, M. (2017). Similarly Torn, Differentially Shorn? The experience and management of conflict between multiple identities: Do the types of identities matter? Frontiers in Psychology—Social and Personality Psychology. 8:1732, 1-16
Oda, A., Tuck, A., Agic, B., Hynie, M., Roche, B., & McKenzie, K. (2017). Health needs and services use of newly arrived Syrian refugees in Toronto: A cross-sectional study. CMAJ Open, 5, E354-358.
Ali, H., Dumbuya, B., Hynie, M., Idahosa, P., Keil, R.,& Perkins, P. (2016). The social and political dimensions of the Ebola response: Global inequality, climate change, and infectious disease. In W. Leal Filho, U.M. Azeiteiro, & F. Alves, Eds. Climate change and health: Improving resilience and reducing risks (pp. 151-169). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Hynie, M., Ardern, C. I., & Robertson, A. (2016). Emergency room visits by uninsured child and adult residents in Ontario, Canada: What diagnoses, severity and visit disposition reveal about the impact of being uninsured. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 9 pp. DOI: 10.1007/s10903-016-0351-0
Hynie, M. & Changoor, T. (2016). Employment pathways for refugees, Part 1: Barriers on the pathway to a good job and the importance of getting there. Canadian Diversity, Special Issue: Refugee Pathways, 13(2), 31-35.
Hynie, M., Korn, A., & Tao, D. (2016). Social context and social integration for Government Assisted Refugees in Ontario, Canada (pp. 183-227). In M. Poteet & S. Nourpanah (Eds.), After the flight: The dynamics of refugee settlement and integration. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars.
Hynie, M., MacNevin, W., Prescod, C., Reider, B., & Schwartzentuber, L. (2016). The morning after: Stakeholder reflections on the sustainability of a community-campus engagement center in the changing environment. Metropolitan Universities Journal, 27(3), 27-46.
King, R., Hynie, M., Mukashema, I., Habineza, J.P., Kubwimana, G., & Musindarwego, A. (2016). Integrating, complementary or just different? Western and Rwandan approaches to clinical counseling. Critical and Radical Social Work, 4(2), 231-248.
Ng, A. & Hynie, M. (2016). Naïve dialecticism and indecisiveness: Mediating mechanism and downstream consequences. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (47) 263-276 DOI: 10.1177/0022022115613861
Yusa, A., Hynie, M., & Mitchell, S. (2016). Utilization of internal evaluation results by community mental health organizations: Credibility in different forms. Evaluation and Program Planning, 54, 11-18
Guruge, S., Shakya, Y., & Hynie, M. (2015) Refugee youth and migration: Using arts-informed research to understand changes in roles and responsibilities. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 16(3), 36 pp.
Singh, M., Hynie, M., Rivera, T., Macisaac, L., Gladman, A., & Cheng, A. (2015). An evaluation study of the implementation of stroke best practice guidelines using a Knowledge Transfer Team approach. Canadian Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 37(1), 24-33
Bohr, Y. & Hynie, M. (with L. Armour). (2015). Focusing on resilience in Canadian immigrant mother’s mental health. In Khanlou N. & Pilkington B. (Editors). Women’s mental health: Resistance and resilience in community and society (pp 233-245). Advances in Mental Health and Addiction (Series Editor: Masood Zangeneh). New York: Springer.
Hynie, M., Umubyeyi, B., Gasanganwa, M.C., Bohr, Y., McGrath, S. & Umuziga, P. (with B. Mukarusanga) (2015). Community resilience and community interventions for post-natal depression: Reflecting on maternal mental health in Rwanda. In Khanlou N. & Pilkington B. (Editors). Women’s mental health: Resistance and resilience in community and society. (pp 343-356). Advances in Mental Health and Addiction (Series Editor: Masood Zangeneh). New York: Springer.
Hynie, M., McGrath, S., Young, J. E., E., & Banerjee, P. (2014). Negotiations of engaged scholarship and equity through a global network of refugee scholars. Scholarly and Research Communication Journal, 5(3), 18 pages. Article ID 0301164.
Korn, A., Coric, K., & Hynie, M. (2014). Working with vulnerable populations: best practices, innovation and impact. Canadian Diversity. 11(1, Spring), 106-109.
McGrath, S., King, R. & Hynie, M. (2014). Social services and transnationality. Transnational Social Review – Special Issue: Social Services and Transnationality (4(2-3), 117-119.
Ng, A. & Hynie, M. (2014). Cultural differences in indecisiveness: The role of naïve dialecticism. Individual and Personality Differences, 70, 45-50.
Salahi, R., Hynie, M., & Flicker, S. (2014) Factors associated with access to sexual health services among immigrant teens in Toronto. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, (16)4, 638-645.
Shakya, Y. B., Guruge, S., Hynie, M., Htoo, S., Akbari, A., Jandu, B., Spasevksi, M., Berhane, N., & Forster, J. (2014). Newcomer refugee youth as ‘resettlement champions’ for their families: Vulnerability, resilience and empowerment. In L. Simich & L. Andermann (Eds.), Refuge and resilience: Promoting resilience and mental health among resettled refugees and forced migrants (pp. 131 -154). New York, USA: Springer.
Other Research Outputs
"Reducing barriers to accessing virtual mental health care for recent refugees and other newcomers" (2021).Webinar
"Virtual Mental Health Access for Refugees" website for guidelines and resources
“Setting the Stage: Current Global Issues in Forced Migration” (2019) presentation from The National Academy of Sciences on Vimeo.
Conference report on Seeking Solutions Symposium; Access to Health Care for the Uninsured: Linking Ethics, Research Evidence and Policy-Practice Change, February 2012, Toronto, Canada
Fact sheets on the medically uninsured in Toronto
The Road to Psychology-Community Partnerships: Collaborating on Social Issues for Social Change (20 minute documentary about community-based research and partnerships):
Voces des Esperanza (a Spanish mental health guide for Latin American women in Toronto)
Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies
International Association for the Study of Forced Migration
Hear Us + Heal Together
Academic lead on project with Afghan Women's Organization addressing gender-based violence in newcomer communities.
Research consultant on project co-led by Arab Community Centre of Toronto and the Syrian Canadian Institute addressing digital access to settlement services for vulnerable newcomer women in Ontario
Service/Community Activities
World University Service of Canada
Faculty advisor
Network on Uninsured Clients
Centre for Refugee Studies
Resident Faculty
Parents' University Wide Teaching Award - 2003
Canadian Evaluation Society, Evaluation Excellence Award - 2012
Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Teaching Award - 2020
Currently available to supervise graduate students: No
Currently taking on work-study students, Graduate Assistants or Volunteers: No
Available to supervise undergraduate thesis projects: No
Current Research
I conduct interdisciplinary multi-method community-based research on social determinants of health with communities experiencing social conflict, social exclusion, or forced displacement and migration. This work includes the development and evaluation of social, institutional and/or policy interventions that can improve health and well-being through improving access to healthcare or other services, improving living conditions, and enhancing social and economic inclusion.
Research Projects
Fabrication Lab-in-a-Kit (FLiK): DIY Assistive Technology for Children with Disabilities in Kenya
Role: CoInvestigator
Amount funded: $74,540
Year Funded: 2016
Duration: 2
Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Refugee integration and long term health outcomes in Canada
Resettled refugees have poorer health than host populations. Studies show that social
integration affects wellness but we do not have much research examining how the
experiences of settlement and integration contribute to the long-term health of refugees. This pan-Canadian study will compare how GAR and PSR resettlement programs support
long-term social integration pathways for refugees and the impact of these pathways on
physical and mental health.
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $1,353,165
Year Funded: 2016
Duration: 5
Funded by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
MARCO:POLO Marginalization & COVID-19: Promoting Opportunities for Learning & Outreach
Role: CoInvestigator
Amount funded: $313,804
Year Funded: 2021
Duration: 1
Funded by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Promising practices in accessing virtual mental health: Supporting refugees during COVID-19
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $158,062
Year Funded: 2020
Duration: 1
Funded by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Climate Change Adaptation, Dispossession and Displacement (ADD): Co-constructing Solutions with Coastal Vulnerable Groups in Africa and Asia
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $1,381,955
Year Funded: 2024
Duration: 3
Funded by: Other...
Other funding: New Frontiers in Research Fund--International
Synthesizing indigenous and international social work theory and practice in Rwanda
Developing methods of merging local Rwandan helping practices with international pedagogy in social work
Role: CoInvestigator
Amount funded: $200,000
Year Funded: 2013
Duration: 3
Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
What’s missing? Innovating interdisciplinary methods for hard-to-reach environments
Role: CoInvestigator
Amount funded: $2,077,712
Year Funded: 2022
Duration: 3
Funded by: Other...
Other funding: Minerva
Exploring the roles of homegrown initiatives in addressing social issues in post-genocide Rwanda
Role: CoInvestigator
Amount funded: $309,606
Year Funded: 2021
Duration: 4
Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Exploring the mental health and service needs of Syrian refugees within their first two years in Canada
Role: CoInvestigator
Amount funded: $25,000
Year Funded: 2016
Duration: 1
Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Living with Climate Change: Mapping Experience and Adaptation in the Global South and North
Developing shared tools and shared knowledge of how communities adapt to environmental change in South Asia and Canada
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $200,000
Year Funded: 2013
Duration: 2
Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Which assumptions underlie adjudicators’ conclusions that refugee claimants are lying? A Canadian case study
Role: CoInvestigator
Amount funded: $74,653
Year Funded: 2021
Duration: 2
Funded by: Canada Foundation for Innovation
A community-based mental health intervention for maternal mental health in Rwanda
Developing and testing a social support intervention for all new mothers in communities in Rwanda and increasing awareness of maternal mental health in the medical and public sector
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $269,653
Year Funded: 2013
Duration: 3
Funded by: Other...
Other funding: Grand Challenges Canada
Building Bridges across Social and Computational Sciences: Using Big Data to Inform Humanitarian Policy and Interventions
An international project exploring the use of computational modeling to predict the movement of refugees in Iraq. The goal is to develop a tool that can be used by humanitarian agencies to provide effective and timely emergency response in conflict situations
Role: Collaborator
Amount funded: $200,000
Year Funded: 2015
Duration: 2
Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Emerging voices: how Syrian newcomers and other key stakeholders perceive Canada's three sponsorship programs for refugee (re)settlement.
Role: CoInvestigator
Amount funded: $50,000
Year Funded: 2016
Duration: 1
Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Ethical guidelines for research with Syrian refugees
Role: CoInvestigator
Amount funded: $19,361
Year Funded: 2016
Duration: 1
Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Accessibility and costs of healthcare for refugee claimants following changes to the Interim Federal Health Programs
Documenting the impact of changes to Interim Federal Health Insurance on health outcomes and health care access for refugee claimants in Ontario and Quebec
Role: CoInvestigator
Amount funded: $766,175
Year Funded: 2013
Duration: 3.5
Funded by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Migration and resilience in urban Canada: discovering strengths and building capacity.
Role: CoInvestigator
Amount funded: $2,496, 912
Year Funded: 2016
Duration: 5
Funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council