Peter J. Kohler
Assistant Professor
Locations / Contact Info:
1012 Sherman Health Science Research CentreKeele CampusPhone (Office): 416 736 2100 Ext. 33771
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Research Areas
Teaching Areas
Faculty & School/Dept.
Faculty of Health - Department of Psychology
PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience - 2013
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH
Selected Publications
Kohler, PJ & Clarke, A (2021). The human visual system preserves the hierarchy of 2-dimensional pattern regularity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288, 20211142.
Sievers, B, Parkinson, C, Kohler, PJ, Hughes, J, Fogelson, S & Wheatley, T (2021). Visual and auditory brain areas share a representational geometry for perceiving emotion. Current Biology, 31, 1–12
Van Rinsveld, A, Guillaume, M, Kohler, PJ, Schiltz, C, Gevers, W & Content, A (2020). The neural signature of numerosity by separating numerical and continuous magnitude extraction in visual cortex with frequency-tagged EEG. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(11), 5726-5732.
Kohler, PJ, Meredith, WJ & Norcia, AM (2018). Revisiting the functional significance of binocular cues for perceiving motion in depth. Nature Communications 9:3511.
Kohler, PJ, Clarke, A, Yakovleva, A, Liu, Y & Norcia, AM (2016). Representation of maximally regular textures in human visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 36(3) (714 –729).
Currently available to supervise graduate students: Yes
Currently taking on work-study students, Graduate Assistants or Volunteers: Yes
Available to supervise undergraduate thesis projects: Yes
Current Research
The Kohler Visual Neuroscience Lab focuses on the domain of mid-level visual processing, which begins in primary visual cortex ~100 ms after stimulus onset, and then unfolds over the next several hundred milliseconds, in several, mostly topographically organized visual brain areas. In this deceptively short time-span, the visual system infers information about the shape, location and movement of the elements in the visual world, but also resolves the perceptual organization of the scene: figure-ground relationships, perceptual grouping, constancy operations and much more. These distinct classes of information are encoded by separate neural populations, but are also deeply interdependent, and in many cases represented at multiple stages of visual processing. We probe this dynamic and complex network of brain areas in humans using functional MRI, EEG and visual psychophysics, to better understand how the brain builds the visual scene representation that is the foundation for our vivid visual experience of the world.
Please note that if you are a prospective graduate student interested in being supervised by Professor Kohler,
you must select Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Sciences (BBCS) as your first choice area of specialization during the application process, otherwise he will not have access to your application.