Mazen J Hamadeh

Associate Professor

Locations / Contact Info:

Keele Campus
Phone: 416 736 2100 Ext. 33552

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Faculty & School/Dept.

Faculty of Health - School of Kinesiology & Health Science


PhD -
McGill University

MSc -
American University of Beirut
Beirut, Lebanon

MSc -
University of Toronto

BSc -
American University of Beirut
Beirut, Lebanon


Selected Publications

PEER-REFEREED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS (**indicates most significnat contributions)

  1. **Kolahdouzan M, Hamadeh MJ. The neuroprotective effects of caffeine in neurodegenerative diseases. CNS Neurosci Ther 2017;23:272-290. doi: 10.1111/cns.12684

  2. Parikh S, Hamadeh MJ, Kuk JL. Estimating serving size for healthier and unhealthier versions of food according to Canada’s Food Guide. Can J Diet Pract Res 2015;76(4):1-4. doi: 10.3148/cjdpr-2015-029.

  3. **Moghimi E, Solomon JA, Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Dietary vitamin D3 restriction exacerbates disease pathophysiology in the spinal cord of the G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. PLoS One 2015;5: e0126355. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126355

  4. **Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Vitamin D as a potential therapy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. CNS Neurosci Ther 2014;20(2):101-11. doi: 10.1111/cns.12204

  5. Devries MC, Samjoo IA, Hamadeh MJ, McCready C, Sischek S, Raha S, Watt MJ, Steinberg GR, Tarnopolsky MA. Endurance training modulates intramyocellullar lipid compartmentalization and morphology in skeletal muscle of lean and obese women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2013;98(12):4852. doi:

  6. Samjoo IA, Safdar A, Hamadeh MJ, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA. The effect of endurance exercise on both skeletal muscle and systemic oxidative stress in previously sedentary obese men. Nutr Diabetes 2013:3;e88. doi:10.1038/nutd.2013.30

  7. Samjoo IA, Safdar A, Hamadeh MJ, Glover AW, Mocellin NJ, Santana J, Little JP, Steinberg GR, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA. Markers of skeletal muscle mitochondrial function and lipid accumulation are moderately associated with the homeostasis model assessment index of insulin resistance in obese men. PLoS One 2013;8: e66322. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066322

  8. **Gianforcaro A, Solomon JA, Hamadeh MJ. Vitamin D3 at 50x AI attenuates the decline in paw grip endurance, but not disease outcomes, in the G93A mouse model of ALS, and is toxic in females. PLoS ONE 2013;8:e30243. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030243

  9. Abramovitch SL, Reddigan JI, Hamadeh MJ, Jamnik VK, Rowan CP, Kuk JL. Estimating serving sizes and food intake using Canada’s Food Guide. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2012;37:923-30. doi:10.1139/H2012-071

  10. **Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Vitamin D3 supplementation at 10x the adequate intake attenuates functional decline in the G93A transgenic mouse model of ALS, a pilot study. CNS Neurosci Ther 2012;18(7):547-57.   doi: 10.1111/j.1755-5949.2012.00316.x  ;jsessionid=E04AF21EFB09E218D1727AC3A36811FF.d03t03

  11. Ma X, Hamadeh MJ, Christie BR, Foster JA, Tarnopolsky MA. Impact of treadmill running and sex on hippocampal neurogenesis in the mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. PLoS One 2012;7(4):e36048. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036048

  12. Al-Sahab B, Ardern C, Hamadeh MJ, Tamim H. Age at menarche and current substance use among Canadian adolescent girls: Results of a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 2012;12:195. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-12-195

  13. **Solomon JA, Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Vitamin D3 deficiency differentially affects functional and disease outcomes in the G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. PLoS ONE 2011;6:e29354. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029354

  14. **Solomon JA, Tarnopolsky MA, Hamadeh MJ. One universal common endpoint in mouse models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. PLoS ONE 2011;6:e20582. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020582

  15. Al-Sahab B, Adair L, Hamadeh MJ, Ardern C, Tamim H. Impact of breastfeeding duration on age at menarche. Am J Epidemiol 2011;173:971-7. doi:10.1093/aje/kwq496 The journal invited a commentary on this article.

  16. Al-Sahab B, Hamadeh MJ, Ardern C, Tamim H. Early menarche predicts incidence of asthma in early adulthood. Am J Epidemiol 2011;173(1):64-70. doi:10.1093/aje/kwq324

  17. Al-Sahab B, Ardern C, Hamadeh MJ, Tamim H. Age at menarche in Canada: results from the national longitudinal survey of children and youth. BMC Public Health 2010;10:736. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-10-736

  18. Moreira TS, Hamadeh MJ. The role of vitamin D deficiency and low calcium/dairy intake in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus. e-SPEN Eur e-J Clin Nutr Metab 2010;5:e155-e165. doi: 10.1016/j.eclnm.2010.05.001

  19. Safdar A, Hamadeh MJ, Kaczor JJ, Raha S, deBeer J, Tarnopolsky MA. Aberrant mitochondrial homeostasis in the skeletal muscle of sedentary older adults. PLoS ONE 2010;5:e10778. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010778

  20. **Patel BP, Safdar A, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA, Hamadeh MJ. Caloric restriction shortens lifespan through an increase in lipid peroxidation, inflammation and apoptosis in the G93A mouse, an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. PLoS ONE 2010;5:e9386. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.000938

  21. Crane JD, Devries MC, Safdar A, Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA. The effect of aging on human skeletal muscle mitochondrial and IMCL ultrastructure. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2010;65:119-28.

  22. Fu M-H, Maher A, Hamadeh MJ, Ye C, Tarnopolsky MA. Exercise, sex, menstrual cycle phase and 17β-estradiol influence metabolism related genes in human skeletal muscle. Physiol Genomics 2009;40:34-47.

  23. **Patel BP, Hamadeh MJ. Nutritional and exercise-based interventions in the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Clin Nutr 2009;28:604-17.

  24. Seevaratnam R, Patel BP, Hamadeh MJ. Comparison of total protein concentration in skeletal muscle as measured by the Bradford and the Lowry assays. J Biochem 2009;145:791–7.

  25. Timmons BW, Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA. Two methods for determining plasma IL-6 in humans at rest and following exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol 2009;105:13-8.   

  26. Devries MC, Samjoo IA, Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA. Effect of endurance exercise on hepatic lipid content, enzymes, and adiposity in men and women. Obesity 2008;16:2281-8.

  27. Devries MC, Hamadeh MJ, Glover AW, Raha S, Samjoo IA, Tarnopolsky MA. Endurance training without weight loss lowers systemic, but not muscle, oxidative stress with no effect on inflammation in lean and obese women. Free Radic Biol Med 2008;45:503-11.

  28. Lord HL, Rosenfeld J, Raha S, Hamadeh MJ. Automated derivatization and analysis of malondialdehyde using column switching sample preparation HPLC with fluorescence detection. J Sep Sci 2008;31:387-401.

  29. Devries MC, Lowther SA, Glover AW, Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA.  IMCL area density, but not IMCL utilization, are higher in women during moderate intensity endurance exercise as compared with men. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2007;293:R2336-42.

  30. Tarnopolsky MA, Rennie CD, Robertshaw HA, Fedak-Tarnopolsky SN, Brose AN, Devries MC, Hamadeh MJ.  The influence of endurance exercise training and sex on intramyocellular lipid and mitochondrial ultrastructure.  Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2007;292:R1271-8.

  31. **Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA. Transient caloric restriction in early adulthood hastens disease endpoint in male, but not female, Cu/Zn-SOD mutant G93A mice. Muscle Nerve 2006;34:709-19.

  32. Devries MC, Hamadeh MJ, Phillips SM, Tarnopolsky MA.  Menstrual cycle phase and sex influence muscle glycogen utilization and glucose Ra, Rd, and MCR during moderate intensity endurance exercise.  Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2006;291:1120-8.

  33. Timmons BW, Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA.  No effect of short-term 17-b-estradiol supplementation in healthy men on systemic inflammatory responses to exercise.  Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2006;291:R285-90.

  34. Devries MC, Hamadeh MJ, Graham TE, Tarnopolsky MA.  17-β-estradiol supplementation decreases glucose Ra and Rd with no effect on glycogen utilization during moderate intensity exercise in men.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2005;90:6218-25.

  35. Hoffer LJ, Hamadeh MJ, Robitaille L, Norwich KH.  Human sulfate kinetics.  Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2005;289:R1372-80.

  36. Timmons BW, Hamadeh MJ, Devries MC, Tarnopolsky MA.  Influence of gender, menstrual phase and oral contraceptive use on immunological changes in response to prolonged cycling.  J Appl Physiol 2005;99:979-85.

  37. **Hamadeh MJ, Devries MC, Tarnopolsky MA. Estrogen supplementation reduces whole body leucine and carbohydrate oxidation and increases lipid oxidation in men during endurance exercise.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2005;90:3592-9.

  38. **Hamadeh MJ, Rodriguez MC, Kaczor JJ, Tarnopolsky MA.  Caloric restriction transiently improves motor performance but hastens clinical onset in the Cu/Zn-SOD mutant G93A mouse.  Muscle Nerve 2005;31:214-20.

  39. Hamadeh MJ, Hoffer LJ.  Effect of protein restriction on sulfur amino acid catabolism in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.  Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2003;284:E382-9.

  40. Hamadeh MJ, Schiffrin A, Hoffer LJ.  Sulfate production depicts fed-state adaptation to protein restriction in humans.  Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2001;281:E341-8.

  41. Hamadeh MJ, Hoffer LJ.  Effect of protein restriction on 15N transfer from dietary [15N]alanine and [15N]Spirulina platensis into urea.  Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2001;281:E349-56.

  42. Hamadeh MJ, Hoffer LJ.  Use of sulfate production as a measure of short-term sulfur amino acid catabolism in humans.  Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2001;280:E857-66.

  43. Hoffer LJ, Kaplan LN, Hamadeh MJ, Grigoriu AC, Baron M.  Sulfate could mediate the therapeutic effect of glucosamine sulfate.  Metabolism 2001;50:767-70.

  44. Hamadeh MJ, Robitaille L, Boismenu D, Hongsprabhas P, Mamer OA, Hoffer LJ.  Human extracellular water volume can be measured using the stable isotope Na234SO4.  J Nutr 1999;129:722-9.

  45. Hamadeh MJ, Hoffer LJ.  Tracer methodology underestimates changes in plasma urea appearance in humans.  Am J Physiol 1998;274:E547-53.

  46. Hoffer LJ, Taveroff A, Hamadeh MJ.  Dietary protein restriction alters glucose but not protein metabolism in non-insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus.  Metabolism 1998;47 (9):1145-51.

  47. Boismenu D, Robitaille L, Hamadeh MJ, Hongsprabhas P, Hoffer LJ, Mamer OA.  Measurement of sulfate concentrations and tracer/tracee ratios in biological fluids by electrospray tandem mass spectrometry.  Anal Biochem 1998;261:93-9.

  48. Hoffer LJ, Taveroff A, Robitaille L, Hamadeh MJ, Mamer O.  Effects of leucine on whole-body leucine, valine and threonine metabolism in humans.  Am J Physiol 1997;272:E1037-42.

  49. Cunnane SC, Hamadeh MJ, Liede AC, Thompson LU, Wolever TMS.  Nutritional attributes of traditional flaxseed in healthy young adults.  Am J Clin Nutr 1995;61:62-8.

  50. Cunnane SC, Ganguli S, Menard C, Liede AC, Hamadeh MJ, Chen Z-Y, Wolever TMS, Jenkins DJA.  High alpha-linolenic acid flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum): some nutritional properties in humans.  Br J Nutr 1993;69:443-53.

  51. Cunnane SC, Chen Z-Y, Yang J, Liede AC, Hamadeh M. Alpha-linolenic acid in Humans: Direct functional role or dietary precursor?  Nutrition 1991;7 (6):437-9.



  1. Zukier Z, Solomon JA, Hamadeh MJ. The role of nutrition in mental health: Suicide. Canadian Mental Health Association, Toronto, ON, 2011, pp.6.

  2. Zukier Z, Solomon JA, Hamadeh MJ. The role of nutrition in mental health: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Canadian Mental Health Association, Toronto, ON, 2010, pp.8.

  3. Solomon JA, Zukier Z, Hamadeh MJ. The role of nutrition in mental health: Depression. Canadian Mental Health Association, Toronto, ON, 2010, pp.6.



  1. Hamadeh MJ, Adegoke OAJ. Enhancing the Understanding of Human Nutrition: A student guide to Understanding Nutrition. Nelson Education Ltd, Toronto, ON, 2009, pp.176. (ISBN 0176478078).



  1. Hamadeh MJ, Liede AC, Ganguli S, Wolever TMS, Cunnane SC.  Nutritional aspects of flaxseed in the human diet.  Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Flax Institute of the United States 1992:48-53.

  2. Liede AC, Hamadeh M, Wolever TMS, Cunnane SC.  Safety aspects of flaxseed in the human diet.  Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Flax Institute of the United States 1992:54-58.

Other Research Outputs

ABSTRACTS (total of 130)

  1. Voloshin D, Dhillon B, Hamadeh MJ. Caffeine’s ergogenicity: a systematic review of applications and mechanisms. The 18th Annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference in Kinesiology and Physical Education 2017:54 (abst.).
  2. Moore D, Hamadeh MJ. Optimal timing and distribution of protein in relation to resistance exercise. The 18th Annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference in Kinesiology and Physical Education 2017:38 (abst.).
  3. Kolahdouzan M, Hamadeh MJ. The neuroprotective effects of caffeine in neurodegenerative diseases. The 18th Annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference in Kinesiology and Physical Education 2017:32 (abst.).
  4. Rawana J, Joron N, Orlando D, Hamadeh MJ, Oyelowo O. Developing an interdisciplinary health and wellness framework for co-curriculum programming. The 36th Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience Program 2017:62 (abst.).
  5. Kolahdouzan M, Moghimi E, Thampinathan S, Solomon JA, Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Vitamin D3 deficiency negatively impacts disease pathophysiology in the spinal cord of the G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 7th Annual Muscle Health Awareness Day 2016:26 (abst.).
  6. Samoilov L, Simchovich G, Hamadeh MJ. Whey protein, Whey better! A review of current literature. The 17th Annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference in Kinesiology and Physical Education 2016 (abst.).
  7. Liu M, Poothapillai J, Hamadeh MJ. Branch-Chained Amino Acids: A Systematic Review. The 17th Annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference in Kinesiology and Physical Education 2016 (abst.).
  8. Khan K, Kolahdouzan M, Hamadeh MJ. Caffeine and exercise: a systematic review on performance and physiological mechanisms of action. The 17th Annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference in Kinesiology and Physical Education 2016 (abst.).
  9. Khemraj A, Rubino F, Hamadeh MJ. The Effects of Creatine Monohydrate on Resistance Exercise. The 17th Annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference in Kinesiology and Physical Education 2016 (abst.).
  10. Khan K, Kolahdouzan M, Hamadeh MJ. Caffeine and exercise: a systematic review on performance and physiological mechanisms of action. Graduate Research Association of Students in Public Health 2016:12-13 (abst.).
  11. Khemraj A, Rubino F, Hamadeh MJ. The Effects of Creatine Monohydrate on Resistance Exercise. Graduate Research Association of Students in Public Health 2016:17 (abst.).
  12. Moghimi E, Thampinathan S, Solomon JA, Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Vitamin D3 supplementation at non-toxic doses attenuates disease pathophysiology in the spinal cord of the G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 6th Annual Muscle Health Awareness Day 2015:26 (abst.).
  13. Moghimi E, Kolahdouzan M, Thampinathan S, Solomon JA, Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Vitamin D3 restriction negatively impacts different sex-specific pathways in the spinal cord of the G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Bodies of Knowledge 2015:27 (abst.).
  14. Moghimi E, Kolahdouzan M, Thampinathan S, Solomon JA, Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Dietary vitamin D3 restriction exacerbates disease pathophysiology in the spinal cord of the G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). FASEB J 2015;29(suppl.1):755.14 (abst.).
  15. Moghimi E, Thampinathan S, Solomon JA, Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Vitamin D3 supplementation at 50x the adequate intake attenuates disease pathophysiology in the spinal cord of male, but is toxic in female, G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). FASEB J 2015;29(suppl.1):755.15 (abst.).
  16. Aghvami G, Mattice C, Hamadeh MJ. Intramuscular carnitine and its implications on exercise performance. The 16th Annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference in Kinesiology and Physical Education 2015:10 (abst.).  
  17. Antonian P, Hamidi E, Hamadeh MJ. The effects of L-carnitine supplementation on endurance and resistance exercise performance. The 16th Annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference in Kinesiology and Physical Education 2015:10 (abst.).  
  18. Fernandez T, Hamadeh MJ. Caffeine: Just a buzz or a great performance enhancer? The 16th Annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference in Kinesiology and Physical Education 2015:17 (abst.).  
  19. Motamed M, Hamadeh MJ. Caffeine as an ergogenic aid: A systematic review. The 16th Annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference in Kinesiology and Physical Education 2015:29 (abst.).  
  20. Sood K, Hamadeh MJ. Vitamins as possible ergogenic aids: A focus on vitamin D and antioxidants. The 16th Annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference in Kinesiology and Physical Education 2015:39 (abst.).  
  21. Talarico R, Hamadeh MJ. Nitric oxide based supplements on human performance. The 16th Annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference in Kinesiology and Physical Education 2015:40 (abst.).
  22. Amanatides J, Hamadeh MJ. Growing a sustainable peer-educator program. The 34th Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience Program 2015:26 (abst.).
  23. Alabdulkader S, Malhotra S, Solomon JA, Moreira-Lucas TS, Hamadeh MJ. Vitamin D and calcium supplementation mitigates the severity of T2DM in non-white, ethnically diverse, postmenopausal women. 5th Annual Muscle Health Awareness Day 2014:26 (abst.). 
  24. Moghimi E, Solomon JA, Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Antioxidant capacity, inflammation, neuronal count and apoptosis in response to dietary vitamin D restriction in the spinal cord of the male transgenic G93A mouse model of ALS. Bodies of Knowledge 2014:34 (abst.).
  25. Alabdulkader S, Malhotra S, Solomon JA, Moreira-Lucas TS, Hamadeh MJ. Modest increases in serum calcidiol may improve T2DM-related health outcomes in non-white, ethnically diverse, postmenopausal women. FASEB J 2014;28 (Suppl. 1):LB327 (abst.).  
  26. Abou Sawan S, Mazzulla M, Hamadeh MJ. Protein timing and distribution following resistance training. The 15th Annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference in Kinesiology and Physical Education 2014:12 (abst.).
  27. Ciolfitto P, Corvese C, Hamadeh MJ. Beta-alanine and its role in exercise performance. The 15th Annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference in Kinesiology and Physical Education 2014:16 (abst.).
  28. Clarke A, Sheksalah M, Hamadeh MJ. The efficacy of nitric oxide as a potential ergogenic aid. The 15th Annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference in Kinesiology and Physical Education 2014:17 (abst.).
  29. Taheri-Shalmani S, Shahsavar S, Gianforcaro A, Solomon JA, Hamadeh MJ. Is vitamin D3 at 50x the adequate intake toxic ALS? 4th Annual Muscle Health Awareness Day 2013:28 (abst.).   
  30. Shahsavar S, Taheri-Shalmani S, Solomon JA, Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Vitamin D3 deficiency increases skeletal muscle cellular stress and death in ALS. 4th Annual Muscle Health Awareness Day 2013:26 (abst.).
  31. Moghimi E, Solomon JA, Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. The influence of vitamin D status on central nervous system pathophysiology in ALS. Bodies of Knowledge 2013 Conference 2013:23 (abst.).
  32. Alabdulkader S, Hamadeh MJ. Does vitamin D3 and calcium supplementation attenuate the severity of type 2 diabetes mellitus in an ethnically diverse population? Bodies of Knowledge 2013 Conference 2013:22 (abst.).
  33. Taheri-Shalmani S, Shahsavar S, Gianforcaro A, Solomon JA, Hamadeh MJ. Dietary vitamin D3 supplementation at 50x the adequate intake decreases calbindin d28k and endoplasmic reticulum stress and increases apoptosis, suggesting toxicity, in the female transgenic G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. FASEB J 2013;27:644.1 (abst.).
  34. Shahsavar S, Taheri-Shalmani S, Solomon JA, Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Sexual dichotomy in calcium buffering capacity may be dependent on the severity of endoplasmic reticulum stress in the skeletal muscle of the vitamin D3 deficient transgenic G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. FASEB J 2013;27:644.2 (abst.).  
  35. Aliprandi M, Ferreira SL, Hamadeh MJ. Protein timing and resistance exercise. The 14th Annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference in Kinesiology and Physical Education 2013:10 (abst.).
  36. Taheri-Shalmani S, Shahsavar S, Gianforcaro A, Solomon JA, Hamadeh MJ. Vitamin D3 megadose decreases endoplasmic reticulum stress while paradoxically increasing apoptosis, suggesting toxicity, in the female transgenic G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Ontario Exercise Physiology Conference 2013:31 (abst.).
  37. Shahsavar S, Taheri-Shalmani S, Solomon JA, Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Dietary vitamin D3 restriction at 0.025x the adequate intake increases endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in the skeletal muscle of the male transgenic G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), whereas it decreases calbindin d28k and increases both ER stress and apoptosis in the female transgenic G93A mouse model of ALS. Ontario Exercise Physiology Conference 2013:30 (abst.).
  38. Gianforcaro A, Solomon JA, Parkhomenko E, Porras D, Qamaruzzaman A, Thampinathan B, Provad P, Hamadeh MJ. Cholecalciferol supplementation at 50 fold the adequate intake slows paw grip endurance deterioration but could be toxic for females in the G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 3rd Annual Muscle Health Awareness Day 2012:13 (abst.).
  39. Solomon JA, Gianforcaro A, Parkhomenko E, Porras D, Qamaruzzaman A, Thampinathan B, Provad P, Hamadeh MJ.  Muscle weights positively correlate with age at disease onset in the G93A mouse model of ALS. 3rd Annual Muscle Health Awareness Day 2012:23 (abst.).
  40. Milionis A, Parkhomenko E, Solomon JA, Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Vitamin D3 deficiency influences skeletal muscle troponin-C and alpha-actin in the transgenic G93A mouse model of ALS. 3rd Annual Muscle Health Awareness Day 2012:17 (abst.).
  41. Parkhomenko E, Milionis A, Gianforcaro A, Solomon JA, Hamadeh MJ. Dietary D3 supplementation at 50x the AI increases contractile protein content and improves mitochondrial oxidative capacity in the transgenic G93A mouse model of ALS: a pilot study. 3rd Annual Muscle Health Awareness Day 2012:18 (abst.).
  42. Parkhomenko E, Milionis A, Gianforcaro A, Solomon JA, Hamadeh MJ. Dietary vitamin D3 at 50x the adequate intake increases apoptosis in the quadriceps of the female G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a pilot study. FASEB J 2012;26:255.7 (abst.).
  43. Milionis A, Parkhomenko E, Solomon JA, Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Dietary vitamin D3 restriction differentially alters quadriceps contractile proteins in both sexes in the transgenic G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a pilot study. FASEB J 2012;26:255.8 (abst.).
  44. Parkhomenko EA, Gianforcaro A, Solomon JA, Porras D, Qamaruzzaman A, Thampinathan B, Provad P, Hamadeh MJ. Dietary vitamin D3 megadose and restriction modulate oxidative damage, antioxidant capacity and inflammation in the transgenic G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS): A pilot study. Ontario Exercise Physiology Conference 2012:23 (abst.).
  45. Parkhomenko EA, Gianforcaro A, Solomon JA, Hamadeh MJ. Vitamin D deficiency improves antioxidant capacity in males and attenuates the sexual dichotomy in the G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: is the female sex at D3-deficient disadvantage? Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2011;36:474 (abst.).
  46. Parkhomenko EA, Gianforcaro A, Solomon JA, Hamadeh MJ. Dietary vitamin D3 at 50 fold the adequate intake increases antioxidant capacity and decreases inflammation in the G93A mouse model of ALS. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2011;36:474 (abst.).
  47. Gianforcaro A, Solomon JA, Hamadeh MJ. Vitamin D3 supplementation at 50x the adequate intake attenuates functional decline in the transgenic G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: have females reached their threshold for toxicity? FASEB J 2011;25:343.3 (abst.).   
  48. Solomon JA, Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. A diet deficient in vitamin D3 delays disease onset in the female, but not the male, G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. FASEB J 2011;25:218.2 (abst.).  
  49. Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Vitamin D3 at 10x the AI attenuates the decline in functional outcomes in an animal model of ALS. First International Online Annual Conference of Models of Human Diseases. Toronto, ON, June 29, 2010.
  50. Solomon JA, Hamadeh MJ. When is endpoint achieved in a mouse model of ALS? First International Online Annual Conference of Models of Human Diseases. Toronto, ON, June 29, 2010.
  51. Samjoo IA, Safdar A, Hamadeh MJ, Glover AW, Mocellin NJ, Santana J, Steinberg GR, Raha S, Gallagher I, Timmons JA, Tarnopolsky MA. Endurance training augments skeletal muscle mitochondrial function and improves insulin resistance by modulating inflammation in obese men. Proceedings of the 2nd Canadian Obesity Student Meeting 2010:24 (abst.).
  52. Solomon JA, Hamadeh MJ. Neuromuscular disease and ethics: considerations of endpoint in a mouse model of Lou Gehrig’s disease. Muscle Health Awareness Day 2010:34 (abst.).
  53. Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Is adequate really enough? Vitamin D3 supplementation at 10x the AI blunts disease severity and enhances functional outcomes in an animal model of Lou Gehrig’s disease. A pilot study. Muscle Health Awareness Day 2010:19 (abst.).
  54. Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. D throws Lou Gehrig’s a curveball: D3 attenuates disease severity and functional decline. Bodies of Knowledge Graduate Research Conference 2010:15 (abst.).
  55. Solomon JA, Hamadeh MJ. Does vitamin D and calcium supplementation have an effect on markers of type 2 diabetes? – A proposed clinical trial. Bodies of Knowledge Graduate Research Conference 2010:14 (abst.).
  56. Solomon JA, Hamadeh MJ. Does D Deliver in Diabetics? A Proposed double blind randomized control trial. Proceedings of the 2010 YIHR Graduate Student Symposium (abst.).
  57. Samjoo IA, Safdar A, Hamadeh MJ, Raha S, Kujoth GC, Prolla TA, Tarnopolsky MA. Mitochondrial Dysfunction is Not a Causative Factor in the Pathogenesis of Obesity. FASEB J 2010;24:1045.9 (abst.).
  58. Samjoo IA, Safdar A, Hamadeh MJ, Akhtar M, Raha S, Timmons JA, Tarnopolsky MA. Endurance Training-mediated Differential Regulation of miRNAs in Skeletal Muscle of Lean and Obese Men. FASEB J 2010;24:806.14 (abst.).  
  59. Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. Dietary vitamin D3 at 10 fold the adequate intake may attenuate disease severity in the transgenic G93A mouse model of ALS. FASEB J 2010 24:lb396 (abst.).  
  60. Gianforcaro A, Hamadeh MJ. The effect of vitamin D on the G93A Mouse model of ALS. Proceedings of the Ontario Exercise Physiology Conference 2010:32 (abst.).
  61. Solomon JA, Hamadeh MJ. The role of vitamin D and calcium supplementation in modulating the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Proceedings of the Ontario Exercise Physiology Conference 2010:58 (abst.).
  62. Hamadeh MJ, Seevaratnam R. Coffee and caffeine decrease markers of oxidative stress in G93A mice: coffee improves antioxidant enzyme capacity in males. Ann Nutr Metab 2009;55(Suppl.1):190 (abst.).
  63. Ma X, Hamadeh MJ, Foster J, Tarnopolsky MA. Brain derived neurotrophic factor promotes cell survival and neuronal differentiation in the dentate gyrus of G93A mice. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2009;34:1142 (abst.).
  64. Samjoo IA, Hamadeh MJ, Santana J, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA. Obesity does not impair mitochondrial adaptations to endurance exercise. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2009;34:1154 (abst.).
  65. Seevaratnam R, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA, Hamadeh MJ. Coffee, caffeine, and chlorogenic acid reduce oxidative stress and apoptosis, and improve antioxidant enzyme capacity in male G93A mice, an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Proceedings of the CSCN-CSNS Annual Scientific Meeting 2009:138 (abst.).
  66. Seevaratnam R, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA, Hamadeh MJ. Caffeine increases apoptosis and decreases antioxidant enzyme capacity, in spite of decreasing markers of oxidative stress in female G93A mice, an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Proceedings of the CSCN-CSNS Annual Scientific Meeting 2009:276 (abst.).
  67. Patel BP, Tarnopolsky MA, Hamadeh MJ. Long-term caloric restriction increases apoptosis and decreases cell stress response, despite an elevation in antioxidant enzyme capacity in the skeletal muscle of the Cu/Zn-SOD mutant G93A mouse, an animal model of ALS. FASEB J 2009;23:109.1 (abst.).
  68. Seevaratnam R, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA, Hamadeh MJ. Caffeine reduces motor performance and antioxidant enzyme capacity in the brain of female G93A mice, an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). FASEB J 2009;23:963.3 (abst.).  
  69. Seevaratnam R, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA, Hamadeh MJ. Coffee increases antioxidant enzyme capacity in the brain of male G93A mice, an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). FASEB J 2009;23:109.6 (abst.).  
  70. Patel BP, Tarnopolsky MA, Hamadeh MJ. Caloric restriction increases skeletal muscle apoptosis in the G93A mouse due to impairment in cell stress response and an incomplete compensatory upregulation of antioxidant enzymes. Proceedings of the Ontario Exercise Physiology Conference 2009:27 (abst.).
  71. Seevaratnam R, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA, Hamadeh MJ. Coffee improves antioxidant capacity in male G93A mice, whereas caffeine reduces it in female G93A mice, an animal model of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Proceedings of the Ontario Exercise Physiology Conference 2009:27 (abst.).
  72. Samjoo IA, Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA. Endurance training, independent of weight loss, improves mitochondrial oxidative capacity and enhances insulin signal transduction in lean and obese men. Proceedings of the 2008 APS Intersociety Meeting: The Integrative Biology of Exercise V 2008:64 (abst.).
  73. Samjoo IA, Hamadeh MJ, Glover AW, Mocellin NJ, Tarnopolsky MA. Endurance training redistributes intramyocellular lipids from the subsarcolemmal to the intramyofibrillar region in skeletal muscle of lean and obese men. Proceedings of the 2008 APS Intersociety Meeting: The Integrative Biology of Exercise V 2008:72 (abst.).
  74. Patel BP, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA, Hamadeh MJ. Oxidative damage, antioxidant enzymes and mitochondrial energetics following caloric restriction in an animal model of heightened oxidative stress. Proceedings of the 1st Canadian Obesity Student Meeting 2008:22 (abst.).
  75. Samjoo IA, Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA. Endurance training independent of weight loss improves mitochondrial oxidative capacity and reduces oxidative stress in lean and obese men. Proceedings of the 1st Canadian Obesity Student Meeting 2008:31 (abst.).
  76. Patel BP, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA, Hamadeh MJ. Long-term caloric restriction up-regulates antioxidant protein content in female, but exacerbates disease outcomes in male, G93A mice, an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Proceedings of the CSCN-CSNS Annual Scientific Meeting 2008:SUP13 (abst.).
  77. Seevaratnam R, Patel BP, Hamadeh MJ. The Bradford assay proves superior to the Lowry assay in determining protein concentration for comparison of nutrient protein interactions in skeletal muscle. Proceedings of the CSCN-CSNS Annual Scientific Meeting 2008:SUP14 (abst.).
  78. Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA. Chlorogenic acid, a coffee polyphenol and antioxidant, hastens clinical onset of disease but prolongs life span in the G93A mouse, an animal model of ALS, as compared with caffeine. FASEB J 2008;22:702.11 (abst.).
  79. Patel BP, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA, Hamadeh MJ. Long-term caloric restriction causes dysregulation in cellular redox status in the skeletal muscle of the Cu/Zn-SOD mutant G93A mouse, an animal model of ALS. FASEB J 2008;22:155.7 (abst.).  
  80. Seevaratnam R, Patel BP, Hamadeh MJ. Determination of protein concentration in skeletal muscle using two spectrophotometric assays: the Lowry and the Bradford. FASEB J 2008;22:LB252 (abst.).  
  81. Safdar A, Hamadeh MJ, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA. Long-term caloric restriction decreases mitochondrial bioenergetic efficiency in the skeletal muscle of the Cu/Zn-SOD mutant male G93A mouse, an animal model of ALS. FASEB J 2008;22:1081.9 (abst.).
  82. Ma X, Hamadeh MJ, Zhang B, Christie B, Tarnopolsky MA. The novel impact of treadmill exercise and sex difference on cell proliferation and cell survival in the dentate gyrus of G93A mice. FASEB J 2008;22:1197.9 (abst.).
  83. Devries MC, Hamadeh MJ, McCready C, Sischek S, Tarnopolsky MA. Twelve weeks of endurance training increases mitochondrial density and percent IMCL touching mitochondria and alters IMCL storage distribution. FASEB J 2008;22:753.18 (abst.).   
  84. Seevaratnam R, Patel BP, Hamadeh MJ. To Lowry or to Bradford: Validation of two spectrophotometric methods for the determination of protein concentration in skeletal muscle. Proceedings of the Ontario Exercise Physiology Conference 2008:26 (abst.).
  85. Patel BP, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA, Hamadeh MJ. Long-term caloric restriction increases lipid peroxidation and up-regulates Cu/Zn-SOD and UCP3 protein content in the skeletal muscle of the female Cu/Zn-SOD mutant G93A mouse, an animal model of ALS. Proceedings of the Ontario Exercise Physiology Conference 2008:27 (abst.).
  86. Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA.  Estrogen supplementation in men increases serum C-reactive protein concentration before, during and after moderate intensity endurance exercise.  FASEB J 2007;21(5):A579 (abst.).  
  87. Devries MC, Hamadeh MJ, Glover S, McCready C, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA. Antioxidant enzyme protein content in lean and obese women prior to and following a 12-week endurance training protocol. FASEB J 2007;21(5):A668 (abst.).
  88. Raphael DJ, Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA. Antioxidant supplementation attenuates the exercise-induced increase in plasma CK, but not CRP, during moderate intensity endurance exercise in men. FASEB J 2007;21(6):A932 (abst.).
  89. Safdar A, Kaczor JJ, Hamadeh MJ, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA. Mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with increased oxidative stress and inflammation, and Nrf2-mediated antioxidant dysregulation with frail aging. FASEB J 2007;21(6):A937 (abst.).
  90. Patel BP, Safdar A, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA, Hamadeh MJ. Long-term caloric restriction increases lipid peroxidation, but decreases protein oxidation, in the skeletal muscle of the Cu/Zn-SOD mutant G93A mouse, an animal model of ALS. FASEB J 2007;21(6):A818 (abst.).
  91. Hamadeh MJ, Devries MC, Raphael DJ, Safdar A, Tarnopolsky MA. Gender-based differential infiltration of CRP from the blood into skeletal muscle.  FASEB J 2007;21(6):A935 (abst.).
  92. D’Sa H, Hettinga B, Safdar A, Tarnopolsky MA, Hamadeh MJ, Raha S. The use of DNPH-derivatized protein carbonyls as a marker of oxidative stress in mouse heart and liver. FASEB J 2007:lb102 (abst.).
  93. Raphael DJ, Hamadeh MJ, Kaczor JJ, Baker SK, Tarnopolsky MA. Antioxidant supplementation in men attenuates the exercise-induced increase in mRNA expression of PDK4 and IRF-1 following prolonged cycling. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2006;38(11):S30 (abst.).
  94. Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA. The use of oral contraceptives in women alters the differences in substrate oxidation between phases of the menstrual cycle.  FASEB J 2006;20(5):A1468 (abst.).
  95. Fu M-H, Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA.  Women have higher skeletal muscle mRNA content of BCKDK compared with men.  FASEB J 2006;20(5):A1434 (abst.).
  96. Fu M-H, Hamadeh MJ, Ye C, Tarnopolsky MA.  Menstrual phase, sex, estradiol supplementation in men and exercise influence the mRNA content of genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism. FASEB J 2006;20(5): A1434 (abst.).
  97. Patel BP, Hamadeh MJ, Raha S, Tarnopolsky MA. Long-term caloric restriction increases malondialdehyde in the red and white gastrocnemius muscle in the Cu/Zn-SOD mutant G93A mouse, an animal model of ALS. 19th Annu Ontario Biol Day Abstract Book 2006:27 (abst.).
  98. Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA. Estrogen supplementation decreases 24-h whole body protein breakdown in men.  Can J Exerc Physiol 2005;30 (suppl.):S34 (abst.).
  99. Fu M-H, Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA.  The female sex, menstrual phase, estradiol supplementation and exercise differently and selectively influence different aspects of lipid metabolism, transport and oxidation.  Can J Exerc Physiol 2005;30 (suppl.):S30 (abst.).
  100. Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA. Long-term caloric restriction hastens clinical onset, disease progression and endpoint in the Cu/Zn-SOD mutant G93A mouse, an animal model of ALS. Ann Nutr Metab 2005;49 (Suppl 1):164 (abst.).
  101. Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA. Transient caloric restriction hastens disease endpoint in male, but not female, Cu/Zn-SOD mutant G93A mice, an animal model of ALS.  Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Federation of Biological Societies 2005:75 (abst.).
  102. Fu M-H, Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA.  The female sex, but not menstrual cycle or acute estradiol supplementation, is associated with higher skeletal muscle mRNA content of SREBP-1, GPAT and FATm before and after moderate intensity endurance exercise.  Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Federation of Biological Societies 2005:123 (abst.).
  103. Devries MC, Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA.  Estrogen supplementation decreases glucose Ra and Rd during moderate intensity endurance exercise in men.  Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Federation of Biological Societies 2005:121 (abst.).
  104. Devries MC, Hamadeh MJ, Phillips SM, Tarnopolsky MA.  Menstrual cycle phase and gender influence glucose Ra, Rd and MCR during moderate intensity endurance exercise.  Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Federation of Biological Societies 2005:92 (abst.).
  105. Devries MC, Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA. Effects of 17-β-estradiol supplementation on carbohydrate metabolism during exercise in men. Proceedings of the Ontario Exercise Physiology Conference 2005 (abst).
  106. Hamadeh MJ, Devries MC, Tarnopolsky MA. The effect of menstrual phase on leucine oxidation at rest and during moderate intensity exercise. Physiologist 2004;47:306-7 (abst.).
  107. Fu M-H, Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA.  Gender, exercise and menstrual phase selectively and independently influence mRNA expression of genes involved in fat metabolism in human skeletal muscle. Physiologist 2004;47:341 (abst.).
  108. Devries MC, Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA.  Menstrual cycle phase and gender influence muscle proglycogen and total glycogen storage and utilization during exercise. Physiologist 2004;47:300 (abst.).
  109. Hamadeh MJ, Devries MC, Tarnopolsky MA. Estrogen supplementation reduces leucine oxidation at rest and during moderate intensity endurance exercise in men.  Med Sci Sports Exerc 2004;36(5):S194 (abst.).
  110. Devries MC, Hamadeh MJ, Tarnopolsky MA.  Estrogen supplementation in men decreases muscle proglycogen and total glycogen at rest and following exercise.  Med Sci Sports Exerc 2004;36(5):S176-7 (abst.).
  111. Tarnopolsky MA, Timmons BW, Hamadeh MJ, Devries MC, Phillips LL.  Inflammatory-related cytokine response to endurance exercise in healthy men following estrogen supplementation.  Med Sci Sports Exerc 2004;36(5):S131 (abst.).
  112. Hamadeh MJ, Rodriguez MC, Kaczor JJ, Tarnopolsky MA.  Caloric restriction improves motor performance but hastens clinical onset in G93A transgenic mice, a model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.  Late Breaking Abstracts for Experimental Biology ’04, Washington D.C. 2004:A72 (abst.).
  113. Devries MC, Hamadeh MJ, Graham TE, Tarnopolsky MA. Estrogen supplementation decreases muscle proglycogen and total glycogen in men at rest and following exercise in men. Proceedings of the Ontario Exercise Physiology Conference 2004 (abst).
  114. Hamadeh MJ, Robitaille L, Norwich KH, Hoffer LJ.  Whole-body sulfation rate of normal humans.  FASEB J 2004;18(5):A912 (abst.).
  115. Hamadeh MJ, Devries MC, Timmons BW, Tarnopolsky MA. Estrogen increases the oxidation of fatty acids as a fuel source during 90 min of moderate intensity endurance exercise.  Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Federation of Biological Societies 2003:75 (abst.).
  116. Timmons BW, Hamadeh MJ, Devries MC, Phillips LL, Tarnopolsky MA.  Effects of menstrual phase in women and estrogen supplementation in men on immune responses to endurance exercise.  Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Federation of Biological Societies 2003:86 (abst.).
  117. Hamadeh MJ, Taveroff  A, Hoffer LJ.  Whole-body sulfur amino acids are preferentially retained in the first 24 hours following dietary protein restriction in healthy and insulin-dependent diabetic humans.  Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Federation of Biological Societies 2002:81 (abst.).
  118. Hamadeh MJ, Hoffer LJ.  Fed-state sulfate production following a high protein test meal in normal and diabetic humans.  FASEB J 2002;16(4):A257 (abst.).
  119. Hamadeh MJ, Schiffrin A, Hoffer LJ.  Metabolic N and S balances in insulin-dependent diabetes.  Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Federation of Biological Societies 2000:97 (abst.).
  120. Hamadeh MJ, Hoffer LJ.  Nontracer (but not tracer) methods accurately depict sulfate production in humans.  FASEB J 2000;14(4):A795 (abst.).
  121. Hamadeh MJ, Hoffer LJ.  Infused essential amino acids redirect sulfur amino acids from a non-protein to a protein bound form.  FASEB J 2000;14(4):A765 (abst.).
  122. Hamadeh MJ, Hoffer LJ.  Transfer of 15N in 15N-alanine (15N-ALA) and in 15N-Spirulina platensis (15N-SPI) from a meal into urea provides comparable measures of the increased dietary protein conservation associated with protein restriction.  FASEB J 1999;13(4):A52 (abst.).
  123. Hamadeh MJ, Hoffer LJ.  Urinary sulfate excretion is an indicator of whole-body amino acid oxidation.  FASEB J 1999;13(4):A566 (abst.).
  124. Hamadeh MJ, Boismenu D, Robitaille L, Hongsprabhas P, Mamer OA, Hoffer LJ.  Human extracellular fluid volume measured using the stable isotope 34S-Na2SO4.  Clin Invest Med 1998;21 (suppl.):S35 (abst.).
  125. Hamadeh MJ, Hoffer LJ, Taveroff A, Robitaille L, Mamer OA.  Effect of intravenous leucine on whole-body proteolysis as assessed using leucine, valine and threonine tracers.  FASEB J 1997;11(3):A438 (abst.).
  126. Hoffer LJ, Taveroff A, Hamadeh MJ.  Protein restriction affects glucose but not protein metabolism in NIDDM.  Am J Clin Nutr 1997;66:220 (abst.).
  127. Hamadeh MJ, Hoffer LJ.  Tracer methodology underestimates changes in plasma urea rate of appearance (Ra).  FASEB J 1996;10(3):A472 (abst.).
  128. Hamadeh M, Derkach P, Wolever TMS, Cunnane SC.  The effect of dietary flaxseed on n-3 fatty acids, cholesterol profiles and laxation in the institutionalized elderly.  INFORM 1992;3:517 (abst.).
  129. Cunnane SC, Ganguli S, Chen Z-Y, Hamadeh M, Liede A, Wolever T, Jenkins D, Vuksan V.  Application of flax in evaluating and controlling hyperlipidemia.  INFORM 1991;2:574 (abst.).
  130. Cunnane SC, Ganguli S, Menard C, Liede A, Hamadeh M.  Potential uses of flax in human nutrition.  INFORM 1991;2:574 (abst.). 


American Society for Nutriton - ASN

ALS Society of Canada

Canadian Nutrition Society - CNS

Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology - CSEP


Currently available to supervise graduate students: Yes

Currently taking on work-study students, Graduate Assistants or Volunteers: Not Indicated

Available to supervise undergraduate thesis projects: No

Current Research

-  Dietary interventions (Long-term and short-term caloric restriction;  coffee, caffeine and chlorogenic acid; vitamin D) on functional, disease and molecular outcome measures (oxidative stress, inflammation, apoptosis, cellular redox, mitochondrial bioenergetics and neuron count) in the mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS; Lou Gehrig’s), with special emphasis on sex differences  

-  Correlation of diet with the progression of disease in ALS patients

 -  Vitamin D and calcium supplementation in type 2 diabetic subjects on insulin resistance, glucose tolerance, and carbohydrate and protein metabolism