Scott A. Adler
Assistant Professor
Locations / Contact Info:
5030 Technology Enhanced Learning - TELKeele CampusPhone: 416 736 2100 Ext. 33389Fax: 416 736 5814
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Research Areas
Teaching Areas
Faculty & School/Dept.
Faculty of Health - Department of Psychology
Ph.D. - 1995
Rutgers University
New Jersey, USA
Bachelor of Science - 1990
Brooklyn College, City University of New York
New York, USA
Master's - 1992
Rutgers University
New Jersey, USA
Selected Publications
Adler, S.A., & Rovee-Collier, C. (1994). The memorability and discriminability of primitive perceptual units in infancy. Vision Research, 34, 449-459. (Reproduced on the database of the Educational Resources Information Center [ERIC].)
Adler, S.A. (1997). Selective integration of temporally distinct perceptual information in infant memory. Infant Behavior and Development, 20, 3-28.
Adler, S.A., Gerhardstein, P., & Rovee-Collier, C. (1998). Levels-of-processing effects on infant memory? Child Development, 69, 280-294.
Adler, S.A., Inslicht, S., Rovee-Collier, C., & Gerhardstein, P.C. (1998). Perceptual asymmetry and memory retrieval in 3-month-old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 21, 253-272.
Gerhardstein, P.C., Adler, S.A., & Rovee-Collier, C. (2000). A dissociation in infants’ memory for stimulus size: Evidence for the early development of multiple memory systems. Developmental Psychobiology, 36, 125-135.
Adler, S.A., Bala, J., & Krauzlis, R. (2002). Primacy of spatial information in target selection for pursuit and saccades. Journal of Vision, 2, 627-644.
Adler, S.A., & Haith, M.M. (2003). The nature of infants' visual expectations for event content. Infancy, 4, 389-421.
Adler, S.A., & Orprecio, J. (2006). The eyes have it: Visual pop-out in infants and adults. Developmental Science, 9, 189-206.
Baker, T.J., Tse, J., Gerhardstein, P.C., & Adler, S.A. (2008). Contour integration in 6-month-old infants: Discrimination of distinct contour shapes. Vision Research, 48, 136-148.
Adler, S.A., Haith, M.M., Arehart, D.M., & Lanthier, E.C. (2008). Infants’ visual expectations and the processing of time. Journal of Cognition and Development, 9, 1-25.
Vasta, R. Younger, A., Adler, S.A., Miller, S.A., & Ellis, S. (2008). Child Psychology: 2nd Canadian Edition. Mississauga, ON: John Wiley & Sons Canada.
Gerhardstein, P.C., Shroff, G., Dickerson, K., & Adler, S.A. (2009). The development of object recognition through infancy. In F. Columbus (Ed.), New directions in developmental psychobiology. Nova Science Publishers: New York.
Currently available to supervise graduate students: Yes
Currently taking on work-study students, Graduate Assistants or Volunteers: No
Available to supervise undergraduate thesis projects: Yes
Current Research
The relation between visual, perceptual and cognitive processes in young infants' formation of future-oriented cognitive expectations for the spatial, temporal, and content information of visual events, and the interface between these expectations and memory processes. Development of infants' ability to selectively attend to singular items in visual arrays of multiple objects, including mechanisms for active inhibition. The development of object recognition and the processes involved in infants' control and execution of eye movements.Research Projects
Development of Selective Attention in Infants
This project seeks to determine infants' capacity for selective attention relative to adults on such tasks as visual search, visual cueing, and negative priming, and to establish the assessment of infants' eye movements as a critical measure of their selective attention mechanisms.
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $100,000
Year Funded: 2010
Duration: 2
Funded by: National Institutes of Health (US)
Perceptual Components of Infants' Long-Term Memories
Contrary to what is generally believed, infants have to remember event information over the long term. Further, their long-term memories are fairly specific to event characteristics that were encoded during the original experience. However, what information gets encoded in the first place and, consequently, what is available for retrieval later is likely limited by the extent of their perceptual development. This project is intended to try to understand the nature of the relation between perceptual processing and long-term memory in young infants.
Role: Principal Investigator
Funded by: York University