Harvey A Skinner


and Founding Dean (2006-2016)

Locations / Contact Info:

019M Health, Nursing & Environmental Studies - HNES
Keele Campus
Phone: 416 520 7615

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Faculty & School/Dept.

Faculty of Health


Doctorate (PhD), Psychology Measurement - 1975
University of Western Ontario


Harvey Skinner is a Professor of Psychology and Global Health at York University. For 10 years (2006-2016) he was the Founding Dean of the Faculty of Health, created July 1, 2006. Previously, Dr. Skinner was Chair of Public Health Sciences, University of Toronto (now the Dalla Lana School of Public Health) where he holds a Professor Emeritus appointment. Dr. Skinner is a Registered Psychologist in Ontario and a certified trainer in Motivational Interviewing. In 2007 he was inducted as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences.

Dr. Skinner has broad experience in behavior change at individual, organizational and systems levels.  He is the author or co-author of 7 books and over 150 articles and chapters.  Dr. Skinner has been a pioneer in the use of computer technology for health assessment, and was one of the first to initiate a major program of research using the Internet for eHealth promotion. The TeenNet and Global Youth Voices program created innovative websites for engaging youth in health promotion, including smoking prevention, gambling education, and youth action projects.

Dr. Skinner has a special interest in global health. He is Chair of the Board of the Canada International Scientific Exchange Program (www.cisepo.ca) leading peacebuilding through health initiatives in the Middle East. In 2004 CISEPO received the Red Cross Power of Humanity Award and the Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development (CEECD) identified his publication "Promoting Arab and Israeli cooperation: Peacebuilding through health initiatives" (Lancet, 2005, 365:1274-1277) as one of the top ten scientific articles on early childhood development.

From 2012-2014, Dr. Skinner was principal investigator of the Connected Health and Wellness Project - a cloud-based software system that enables collaborative health and wellness management. The project is a diverse partnership involving York University, a leader in producing a new ‘Health Coach’ profession; NexJ Systems Inc. a leading provider of cloud-based solutions including the NexJ Connected Wellness Platform, and other healthcare, academic, and industry partners. The total budget is $40.3 million, with the Federal Government Development Agency (FedDev) providing $15.5 million and partners contributing $24.8 million. Currently, a related proposal to FedDev is under review that will create the ‘Health Ecosphere’. - an Innovation Pipeline for Commercial Health Solutions involving  the development and commercialization of up to 36 health technologies and services over a span of three years. A major goal is to make these eHealth prevention and healthcare technologies available for adaptation for low and middle income countries through collaborative ‘co-creation’ projects.

From a personal perspective, Dr. Skinner is an avid spinner (used to run marathons) and he practices yoga and mindfullness meditation. He has two children (Mark and Ana), two step-children (Russ and Jeff) and 6 grandchildren (Lena, Nate, Maya, Sean, Hailey, Matty). His partner is Susan Harris.

Selected Publications

Ahmad F, Hogg-Johnson S, Stewart D, Skinner HA, Glazier R and Levinson W. Computer-assisted risk screening for intimate partner violence in family practice: A randomized controlled trial (RCT). Annals of Internal Medicine, 2009, in press.

Flicker S, Maley O, Ridgley A, Biscope S, Lombardo C, Skinner HA. e-PAR: Using Technology and Participatory Action Research to Engage Youth in Health Promotion. Action Research, 2008; 6, 285-303.

Choi, B. C.K, McQueen, D.V., Puska P, et al. Enhancing Global Capacity in the Surveillance, Prevention, and Control of Chronic Diseases: Seven Themes to Consider and Build Upon. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (JECH); 2008,62, 391-397.

Ahmad F, Hogg-Johnson S and Skinner HA. Assessing patient attitudes to computerized screening in primary care: Psychometric properties of the Computerized Lifestyle Assessment scale. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2008; 10(2):e11.

Norman C, Maley O, Li X and Skinner HA. Using the Internet to assist smoking prevention and cessation in schools: A randomized controlled trial. Health Psychology, 2008; 27, 799-810.

Norman CD and Skinner HA. Engaging youth in eHealth promotion: Lessons learned from a decade of TeenNet Research. Academic Medicine: State of the Art Reviews. 2007, 18(2), 357-369.

Bader P, Travis HE & Skinner HA. Knowledge Synthesis of Smoking Cessation Among Employed and Unemployed Young Adults (18-24 yrs). American Journal of Public Health, 2007,97:1434-1443.

Skinner HA and Sriharan A. Building Cooperation Through Health Initiatives: An Arab and Israeli Case Study. Conflict and Health, 20071:8. Published online at http://www.conflictandhealth.com/content/1/1/8

Choi, B. C.K, McQueen, D.V., Puska P, et al. Enhancing Global Capacity in the Surveillance, Prevention, and Control of Chronic Diseases: Seven Themes to Consider and Build Upon. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (JECH), 2007, in press.

Skinner HA and Sriharan A. Building Cooperation Through Health Initiatives: An Arab and Israeli Case Study. Conflict and Health, 2007,1:8. Published online at


Chen S, Poland B and Skinner HA. Youth Voices: evaluation of participatory action research. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 2007, 22,125-151.

Choi, B. C.K., Frank, J., Mindell, J. S., Orlova, A., Lin, V., Vaillancourt, A. D.M.G., Puska, P., Pang, T., Skinner, H. A., Marsh, M., Mokdad, A. H., Yu, S.-Z., Lindner, M. C., Sherman, G., Barreto, S. M., Green, L. W., Svenson, L. W., Sainsbury, P., Yan, Y., Zhang, Z.-F., Zevallos, J. C., Ho, S. C., de Salazar, L. M. Vision for a Global Registry of Anticipated Public Health Studies. Am J Public Health 2007 97: p. S82- S87.

Bader R, Wanono R, Hamden S and Skinner HA. Global Youth Voices: Engaging Bedouin Youth in Health Promotion in the Middle East. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2007, 98, 21-25.

Korn D., Murray M., Morrison M., Reynolds J., Skinner H.A. Engaging Youth About Gambling Using The Internet: The YouthBet.Net Website. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2006, 97, 448-453.

Norman CD and Skinner HA. eHEALS: The eHealth Literacy Scale. J Med Internet Res 2006;8(4):e27 URL: http://www.jmir.org/2006/4/e27/16

Skinner, HA, Maley O and Norman CD.. Developing eHealth promotion Internet-based programs: The Spiral Technology Action Research (STAR) model. Health Promotion Practice, 2006, 7 (2), 1-12.

Norman CD and Skinner HA. eHealth literacy: Essential skills for consumer health in a networked world. J Med Internet Res 2006;8(2):e9 URL: http://www.jmir.org/2006/2/e9/

Moloughney, BW and Skinner HA. Rethinking Schools of Public Health: A strategic alliance model. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2006, 97 (3), 251-254.

Veinot TC, Flicker S, Skinner, HA, McClelland A, Saulnier P, Read SR, Goldberg E. “Supposed to make you better but it doesn’t really”: HIV-Positive Youths’ Perceptions of HIV Treatment. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2006, 38: 261-267.

Koo M and Skinner HA. Challenges of Internet recruitment - A case study with disappointing results. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2005.

Flicker S, Skinner H, Read S, Veinot T, McClelland A, Saulnier P, Goldberg E. Falling through the cracks of the big cities: Who is meeting the needs of HIV-positive youth? Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2005, 96: 308-312.

Noyek AM, Skinner HA, Davis D, Clark I, Sriharan A, Chalin CG. Building bridges of understanding through continuing education and professional development of Arabs and Israelis. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 2005, 25, 198-209.

* Skinner HA, Abdeen Z, Abdeen H, Aber P, Al-Masri M, Attias J, Avraham K, Carmi R, Chalin C, El Nasser Z, Hijazi M, Othman Jebara R, Kanaan M, Pratt H, Raad F, Roth Y, Williams AP and Noyek A. Promoting Arab and Israeli Cooperation: A Model for Peacebuilding through Health Initiatives. Lancet. 2005, 365:1274-77.

* Selected by the Centre for Excellence for Early Childhood Development, University of Montreal, as one of the top ten scientific articles (CEECD Bulletin, 2006, vol 5 (2) page 12).

Lombardo, C and Skinner, HA. A virtual hug: prospects for self-help online. International Journal of Self Help and Self Care, 2004, 2(3), 205-218.

Ridgley A., Maley O. and Skinner HA. Youth Voices: Engaging youth in health promotion using media technologies. Canadian Issues, Association for Canadian Studies; 2004, Fall: 21-24.

Flicker S, Goldberg E, Read S, Veinot T, McClelland A, Saulnier P and Skinner HA. HIV-positive youth’s perspectives on the Internet and e-Health. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2004, 6(3), 78-91.e32.

Skinner, HA, Biscope S, Murray, M and Korn D. Dares to addiction: Youth definitions and perspectives on gambling. Canadian Journal of Public Health; 2004, 95:264-267.

Skinner, H.A., Pinho-Campos, K. and Bader, R. Smoking Prevention in Middle East: Why Tobacco is a Critical Issue in the Region. Pan Arab Medical Journal; 2004,1:52-57.

Flicker, S., Haans, D. and Skinner, H.A. Ethical dilemmas in research on internet communities. Qualitative Health Research, 2004, 14: 124 -134.

Technical Workbooks

Morrision,M., Lombardo,C., Biscope,S. and Skinner,H.A.. Youth Action Guide: Community-Based

Smoking Prevention. TeenNet Research, University of Toronto, 2005.


Ridgely,A., Lombardo,C., Poland,B. and Skinner, H.A. Youth Voices: Engaging Youth in Expression and Action. TeenNet Research, University of Toronto, 2005. http://www.globalyouthvoices.org/guide2.html

Skinner, H.A. and Biscope,S. Making Changes Work in Youth Centres. TeenNet Research, University of Toronto,2005.



Skinner, H.A. “The Courage to Cooperate: Building Arab and Israeli Relationships through Health Initiatives”. Invited Presentation at the Liu Institute of International Studies, University of British Columbia, March 13, 2006.

Skinner, H.A. “Beyond Advice: Motivating Patients to Change Behavior”. Invited Presentation, Third International Conference of the Royal Medical Services, in collaboration with the Royal College of Physicians of London, Le Royal Hotel, Amman, Jordan, April 5-8, 2006.

Skinner, H.A. “Tobacco Control in the Middle East: the Role of Doctors and other Health Professionals”. Invited Presentation, Third International Conference of the Royal Medical Services, in collaboration with the Royal College of Physicians of London, Le Royal Hotel, Amman, Jordan, April 5-8, 2006.

Skinner, H.A. “Leadership for Managing Change”, Invited Presentation at the Jordan University of Science and Technology and King Abdullah University Hospital, Irbid, Jordan. April 5, 2006.

Skinner HA, Larkin J, Lombardo C, Charnaw-Burger J, Walker L, Furdyk M. Virtual Classrooms for Global Health. Workshop presented at the Canadian Public Health Association 97th Annual Conference, Vancouver, May 29-31, 2006.

Skinner, H.A. “Managing Multiple Behaviors and Problems and How they Interact with the Processes of Change”. MPACT Conference sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland. June 29-30, 2006.

Bader P, Travis H & Skinner HA. The 'Neglected' Population: Smoking Cessation Among Employed & Unemployed Young Adults (18-24 yrs). 13th World Congress on Tobacco or Health, Washington DC, July 11-14, 2006.

Skinner HA, Lombardo C, Charnaw-Burger J, Walker L, Furdyk M. Virtual Classrooms for Global Health and Tobacco Control. Presented at the 8th Annual Conference, Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, September 23-26, 2006, Kusadasi, Turkey.

Bader P, Travis H & Skinner HA. The 'Neglected' Population: Smoking Cessation Among Employed & Unemployed Young Adults (18-24 yrs). Presented at the 8th Annual Conference, Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, September 23-26, 2006, Kusadasi, Turkey.


Fellow Distinction - 2007
Canadian Academy of Health Science

Power of Humanitarianism Award Distinction - 2004
Canadian Red Cross

Special Recognition Award (Board of Directors) Distinction - 2005
Canadian Public Health Association

Motivational Interviewing Trainer Credential - 1994
University of New Mexico


Currently available to supervise graduate students:

Currently taking on work-study students, Graduate Assistants or Volunteers:

Available to supervise undergraduate thesis projects:

Research Projects

Adaptation of an eHealth web-based intervention for youth smoking prevention and cessation in the Middle East
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $100000
Year Funded: 2004
Funded by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Adolescent Gambling Problems: Prevention and Early Intervention Using the Internet
Role: CoInvestigator
Amount funded: $540000
Year Funded: 2003
Funded by: Other...
Other funding: Ministry of Health of Ontario

Building an Academic-Community Partnership for Health System Performance Improvement
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $7500
Year Funded: 2008
Funded by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Building Arab-Israeli Cooperation through Health Research
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $100000
Year Funded: 2003
Funded by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Development of the SUSHI-Q instrument: Standardized useability and satisfaction with health information-questionnaire
Role: CoInvestigator
Amount funded: $255420
Year Funded: 2003
Funded by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Engaging Youth in Smoking Prevention and Action using Information Technology
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $250000
Year Funded: 2005
Funded by: Other...
Other funding: Ministry of Health of Ontario

Global eLearning Program
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $300000
Year Funded: 2006
Funded by: Other...
Other funding: Saul A. Silverman Family Foundation (The)

Impact of an Internet-based Intervention for Youth Smoking Prevention and Cessation
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount funded: $364357
Year Funded: 2002
Funded by: Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Ontario Tobacco Research Unit
Role: CoInvestigator
Amount funded: $40000
Year Funded: 1993
Funded by: Other...
Other funding: Ministry of Health of Ontario