Faculty of Health Faculty Directory

Our faculty members include renowned educators and researchers. Learn more about our people by browsing through the profiles of full time faculty members and researchers:

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Teaching Areas: NURS - Health Promotion

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Adam, SimonAssociate Professorsiadam@yorku.ca
Aslam, Irfan Undergraduate Program Director, 2nd Entry BScN Programiaslam@yorku.ca
Beagrie, Lesley ElizabethAssociate Professor Emerituslbeagrie@yorku.ca
Campbell , Karen A.Assistant Professorcampk232@yorku.ca
Daiski, IsoldeProfessor Emeritaidaiski@yorku.ca
Gola, Monica T.mgola@yorku.ca
Haghiri-Vijeh, RoyaAssistant Professorrvijeh@yorku.ca
MacDonnell, Judith Ann (Judy) Associate Professorjmacdonn@yorku.ca
Orazietti, Brenda E.Assistant Professor, MEd, MScN, CCNE, CCSNE, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7330-3158brendao@yorku.ca
Ross, GraceSessional Lecturerrossg@yorku.ca
Skinner, Harvey AProfessor, and Founding Dean (2006-2016)hskinner@yorku.ca
van Daalen-Smith, CherylAssociate Professor, Associate Dean, Academiccvandaal@yorku.ca
Walkerley, Shelley Assistant Professorswalkerl@yorku.ca

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