Faculty of Health Faculty Directory

Our faculty members include renowned educators and researchers. Learn more about our people by browsing through the profiles of full time faculty members and researchers:

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Haas, Tara LProfessorthaas@yorku.ca
Haghiri-Vijeh, RoyaAssistant Professorrvijeh@yorku.ca
Hamadeh, Mazen JAssociate Professorhamadeh@yorku.ca
Harris, LaurenceProfessor Emeritusharris@yorku.ca
Hartley, Louise ADirector, York University Psychology Cliniclhartley@yorku.ca
Hayhurst, LyndsayAssociate Professor, York Research Chair (Tier 2) Sport, Gender & Development & Digital Participatory Researchlhayhurs@yorku.ca
Henriques, Denise Y PProfessordeniseh@yorku.ca
Herbert, MoniqueAssociate Professor, Teaching Stream, Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs & Inclusiveness herbertm@yorku.ca
Hillier, SeanAssociate Professor, Associate Dean (Interim), Research & Innovation
Hoben, MatthiasAssociate Professor, Helen Carswell Chair in Dementia Care, Former Alzheimer Society of Canada New Investigator (2020-2023), Adjunct Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Albertamhoben@yorku.ca
Hood, David AProfessor, NSERC Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Cell Physiologydhood@yorku.ca
Humana, HernanAssociate Lecturerhhumana@yorku.ca
Hurley, JaclynAssistant Professorjnhurley@yorku.ca
Hynes, Loriann M.Associate Professor, Director - Athletic Therapy Certificate, Certified Athletic Therapistlhynes@yorku.ca
Hynie, MichaelaProfessormhynie@yorku.ca

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