Faculty of Health Faculty Directory

Our faculty members include renowned educators and researchers. Learn more about our people by browsing through the profiles of full time faculty members and researchers:

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Raphael, DennisProfessordraphael@yorku.ca
Rawana, JennineAssociate Professorrawana@yorku.ca
Reaume, GeoffreyAssociate Professorgreaume@yorku.ca
Reid, David WAssociate Professor, Professor Emeritusdreid@yorku.ca
Rich, Jill BeeProfessor Emeritusjbr@yorku.ca
Richardson, Nicolette SAssociate Professor, Teaching Stream, Undergraduate Program Directornrichar@yorku.ca
Riddell, Michael CProfessormriddell@yorku.ca
Ritvo, PaulProfessorpritvo@yorku.ca
Rodrigo, Achala H.Assistant Professor (Clinical Neuroscience and Neuropsychology), York-Seneca Rehabilitation Services Certificate Program Coordinatorachala@yorku.ca
Rosenbaum, R. ShaynaProfessor, York Research Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience of Memoryshaynar@yorku.ca
Ross, Erin CAssociate Professorecross@yorku.ca
Ross, GraceSessional Lecturerrossg@yorku.ca
Rotondi, MichaelAssociate Professor, CIHR-PHAC Applied Public Health Research Chairmrotondi@yorku.ca
Roudier, EmilieAssistant Professoreroudier@yorku.ca
Rowan, ChipAssistant Professor, Teaching Streamcrowan@yorku.ca
Rutherford, AlexandraProfessoralexr@yorku.ca

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