Faculty of Health Faculty Directory

Our faculty members include renowned educators and researchers. Learn more about our people by browsing through the profiles of full time faculty members and researchers:

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Campbell , Karen A.Assistant Professorcampk232@yorku.ca
Ceddia, RolandoAssociate Professorroceddia@yorku.ca
Chalmers, R. PhilipAssociate Professorchalmrp@yorku.ca
Chaufan, ClaudiaAssociate Professor, MD, PhDcchaufan@yorku.ca
Cheng, ArthurAssistant Professorajcheng@yorku.ca
Cheng, Joey T.Associate Professor, York Research Chair in Leadership, Collaboration and Teamschengjt@yorku.ca
Choi, Ji YehAssistant Professorjychoi@yorku.ca
Choiniere, Jacqueline AAssociate Professor, Graduate Program Directorjacchoin@yorku.ca
Chum, AntonyCanada Research Chair (tier 2)chuma@yorku.ca
Cleworth, TaylorAssistant Professortclewort@yorku.ca
Coatsworth-Puspoky, RobinAssistant Professorrcoatswo@yorku.ca
Conder, JulieAssociate Professorconder@yorku.ca
Connolly, Jennifer AProfessorconnolly@yorku.ca
Connor, Michael KAssociate Professormconnor@yorku.ca
Cowan, Regina AAssociate Lecturer
Crawford, Dorota AnnaAssistant Professordakc@yorku.ca
Crawford, John DouglasProfessor, Canada Research Chair, Distinguished Research Professor in Neuroscience, Scientific Director, Vision: Science to Applications (VISTA)jdc@yorku.ca
Cribbie, Robert AProfessor, Quantitative Methods Areacribbie@yorku.ca
Crozier, Anne JAssociate Lecturercrozier@yorku.ca

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