Faculty of Health Faculty Directory

Our faculty members include renowned educators and researchers. Learn more about our people by browsing through the profiles of full time faculty members and researchers:

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Bajin, NatasaAssociate Lecturersljepica@yorku.ca
Barranti, MaxwellAssociate Professorbarranti@yorku.ca
Battaglia, AnthonyAssistant Professor, Teaching Streambattag18@yorku.ca
Beagrie, Lesley ElizabethAssociate Professor Emerituslbeagrie@yorku.ca
Bebko, James MProfessor Emeritusjbebko@yorku.ca
Belcastro, AngeloProfessoranbelcas@yorku.ca
Berthelot-Raffard, AgnèsAssociate Professoraberthel@yorku.ca
Bertram, Mavoy S.Associate Professor, Paediatric Nurse Practitionermbertram@yorku.ca
Bialystok, EllenDistinguished Research Professorellenb@yorku.ca
Binsted, GordProfessorgbinsted@yorku.ca
Biondi, Mia JAssistant Professor, NP Program Coordinator, Primary Health Care Nurse Practitionermbiondi@yorku.ca
BIROT, OlivierAssociate Professor, Professeur agrégébirot@yorku.ca
Bohr, Yvonne Associate Professorbohry@yorku.ca
Boni, Michael Associate Professor, Teaching Streammboni@yorku.ca
Boritz, TaliAssistant Professortboritz@yorku.ca
Bowerman, StephanieAssistant Professor, Teaching Streamsbowerma@yorku.ca
Bradley, Patricia AAssociate Professorbradleyp@yorku.ca
Brankley, AndrewAssistant Professorbrankley@yorku.ca
Brown, Donald V.Assistant Professordvbrown@yorku.ca
Buick, Catriona (Trina)Assistant Professor, Oncology Nurse Clinician Scientistcbuick@yorku.ca
Bassett-Gunter, RebeccaAssociate Professor, Director LaMarsh Centre for Child and Youth Research , Dissemination Team Lead Canadian Disability Participation Project rgunter@yorku.ca

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