Matthew Keough
Associate Professor
Research Areas
Faculty & School/Dept.
Faculty of Health - Department of Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy - 2016
Concordia University
Montreal, QC
Dr. Matt Keough is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology. He earned a BSc. from the University of Toronto, and an M.A., and Ph.D. from Concordia University. He also completed a CIHR-funded postdoctoral fellowship at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. He is a registered clinical psychologist and former Chair of the Addiction Psychology section of the Canadian Psychological Association. He was previously an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Manitoba (2017 – 2019).
Selected Publications
In press
*Baptist Mohseni, N., *Morris, V., *Vedelago, L., *Kempe, T., *Rapinda, K., *Mesmer, E., *Bilevicius, E., Wardell, J., MacKillop, J., Keough, M.T. (in press). A Longitudinal Approach to Understanding Risk Factors for Problem Alcohol Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
Taguba, K.K., Keough, M.T., Bravo, A.J., & Wardell, J.D. (in press). Measuring impaired control over cannabis use: Initial evaluation of the Impaired Control Scale-Cannabis (ICS-C). Substance Use and Misuse.
Pilatti, A., Klein, N., Mezquita, L., Bravo, A.J., Keough, M.T., Pautassi, R.M. & Cross-cultural Addictions Study Team (in press). Drinking Motives as Mediators of the Relationship of Cultural Orientation with Alcohol Use and Alcohol-related Negative Consequences in College Students from Seven Countries. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
*Frohlich, J.R., *Rapinda, K.K., Schaub, M.P., Wenger, A., Baumgartner, C., Johnson, E.A., Blankers, M., Ebert, D.D., Hadjistavropoulos, H., Mackenzie, C.S., Wardell, J.D., & Keough, M.T. (accepted, pending minor revisions). Examining Differential Responses to the Take Care of Me Trial: A Latent class and Moderation Analysis. Addictive Behaviors Reports.
Brais, N. J., Setlack, J., Keough, M. T., Johnson, E. A. (in press). Perceived co-worker social support: A protective factor against workplace violence and psychopathologies in paramedics and firefighters. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma.
Pchajek, J., Edgerton, J.D., Sanscartier, M.D., & Keough, M.T. (2022). Exploring the impact of shame and guilt on coping with gambling problems among emerging adult gamblers.” Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science.
Augsburger, M., Kaal, E., Wenger, A., Blankers, M., Haug, S., Ebert, D.D., Riper, H., Keough, M.T., Noormets, H., Schaub, M.P., & Kilp, K. (2022). Effects of a minimal-guided online intervention for alcohol misuse in Estonia: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Addiction, 117(1), 108-117.
*Single, A., *Bilevicius, E., Ho, V., Theule, J., Buckner, J.D., Mota, N., & Keough, M.T. (2022). Cannabis Use and Social Anxiety in Emerging Adulthood: A Meta-Analysis. Addictive Behaviours, 129, 107275.
*Bernusky, H.C., *Rapinda, K.K, *Single, A., *Bilevicius, E., Foot, M., Ellery, M., Keough, M.T., & Johnson, E.A. (2022). Examining Subtypes of Emerging Adult Situational Drinking: A Replication and Extension Study. Substance Use and Misuse, 57(1), 96-104.
*Vedelago, L., Wardell, J.D., *Kempe, T., Patel, H., *Baptist-Mohseni, N., Amlung, M., MacKillop, J., Keough, M.T. (2022). Getting high to cope with COVID-19: Modelling the associations between cannabis demand, coping motives, and cannabis use and problems. Addictive Behaviors, 124, 1-7.
*Bilevicius, E., *Van Landeghem, C., Sherry, S.B., Stewart, S.H., & Keough, M.T. (2021). Trait Impulsivity Impedes Maturing Out of Problem Drinking Among Socially Anxious Undergraduates. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 56(1), 101-108.
Nicholson, R., Mackenzie, C. S., Afifi, T., Keough, M., & Sareen, J. (2021). Age differences in overall functioning, gambling-related symptoms, and comorbid conditions among gamblers. Journal of Addiction Science, 7(1), 6-17.
*Rapinda, K.K., Pchajek, J., Edgerton, J.D., & Keough, M.T. (2021). Coping with Shame Mediates the Association between Depression and Problem Gambling. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction:
Minhas, M., Belisario, K., González‐Roz, A., Halladay, J., Morris, V., Keough, M.T., Murphy, J. G., & MacKillop, J. (2021). Is Talk Cheap? Correspondence between Self-Attributions about Changes in Drinking and Longitudinal Changes in Drinking during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 45(12), 2560-2568.
*Frohlich, J.R., *Rapinda, K.K., Schaub, M.P., Wenger, A., Baumgartner, C., Johnson, E.A., O’Connor, R.M., Vincent, N., Blankers, M., Ebert, D.D., Hadjistavropoulos, H., Mackenzie, C.S., Wardell, J.D.,
Augsburger, M., Goldberg, J.O., & Keough, M.T. (2021). Testing the Efficacy of an Online Self-Help Treatment for Comorbid Alcohol Misuse and Emotional Problems in Young Adults: Results of A Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT). Addictive Behaviours Reports, 14, 1-12.
DeGrace, S., *Baptist-Mohseni, N., Single, A., Keough, M.T., Wardell, J.D., & Stewart, S.H. (2021). Sex Differences in Maladaptive Emotional and Behavioral Responses to COVID-19: What is the Role of Personality? Personality and Individual Differences, 178, 1-4.
Bravo, A.J., Prince, M.A., Pilatti, A., Mezquita, L., Keough, M.T., Hogarth, L., & the Cross-Cultural Addictions Study Team. (2021). Young Adult Concurrent Use and Simultaneous Use of Alcohol and Marijuana: A Cross-National Examination among College Students in Seven Countries. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 14, 1-7.
*Rapinda K.K., *Kempe, T., Kruk, R.S., Edgerton, J.D., Wallbridge, H., & Keough, M.T. (2021). Examining the Temporal Associations Between Excessive Gaming and Depression. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 53(3), 274–284.
Setlack, J., Brais, N., Keough, M.T., & Johnson, E.A. (2021). Workplace Violence and Psychopathology in Paramedics and Firefighters: Mediated by Posttraumatic Cognitions. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 53(3), 211–220.
*Bilevicius, E., *Kempe, T., *Pankratz, L., Wardell, J.D., Johnson, E.A., & Keough, M.T. (2021). Shame’s Associations with Depression and Problem Drinking: An Ecological Momentary Study. Substance Use and Misuse, 56(11), 1715-1725.
Baumgartner, C., Schaub, M.P., Wenger, A., Malischig, D., Walter, M., Berger, T., Stark, L., Ebert, D.D., Keough, M.T., Haug, S. (2021). CANreduce 2.0 – the effects of adherence-focused guidance for Internet self-help among cannabis misusers: results of a three-arm randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(4), e27463.
*Single, A., & Keough, M.T. (2021). Examining the Prospective Associations between Mindfulness Facets and Substance Use in Emerging Adulthood. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 56(1), 64-73.
Biegun, J., Edgerton, J., & Keough, M.T. (2021). Are some subtypes of video gamers more at risk for addiction and mental health issues? Journal of Gambling Issues, 46, 199-220.
Marchica, L.A., Mills, D.J., Keough, M.T., & Derevensky, J.L. (2020). Exploring differences among video gamers with and without depression: Contrasting emotion regulation and mindfulness. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 23(2), 119-125.
*Orui, K., *Frohlich, J.R., Stewart, S.H., Sherry, S.B., & Keough, M.T. (2020). Examining Subgroups of Depression and Alcohol Misuse in Emerging Adults During University: A Replication and Extension Study. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
*Bilevicius, E., *Single, A., Baumgartner, C., *Bui, V., *Kempe, T., Schuab, M.P., Stewart, S.H., Mackillop, J., Hodgins, D.C., Wardell, J.D., O’Connor, R.M., Hadjistavropoulos, H., Sundstrum, C., & Keough, M.T. (2020). Developing and Testing the Effectiveness of a Novel Online Integrated Treatment for Problem Gambling and Tobacco Smoking: A Randomized Controlled Trial. BMC Trials, 21(1), 937.
Wardell, J.D., *Kempe, T., *Rapinda, K.K., *Single, A., *Bilevicius, E., Hendershot, C.S., & Keough, M.T. (2020). Drinking to cope during COVID-19 pandemic: The role of external and internal stress-related factors in coping motive pathways to alcohol use, solitary drinking, and alcohol problems. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 44(10), 2073-2083.
*Bilevicius, E., *Clark, C.C., Johnson, E.A., & Keough, M.T. (2020). Ashamed and Alone – Risk Factors for Alcohol Craving among Depressed Emerging Adults. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 55(5), 540-546.
Kaal, E., Schaub, M.P., Wenger, A., Ülesoo T., Blankers, M., Haug, S., Ebert, D.D., Riper, H., Keough, M.T., Noormets, H., & Kilp, K. (2020). Testing the Efficacy of a Minimal-Guidance Online Self-Help Intervention for Alcohol Misuse in Estonia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. BMC Public Health, 20(1), 790.
Mills, D.J., Marchica, L., Keough, M.T., & Derevensky, J.L. (2020). Exploring Differences in Substance Use among Emerging Adults At-Risk for Problem Gambling, Problem Video Gaming, or Both. International Gambling Studies, 20(3), 539-555.
McPhee, M.D., Keough, M.T., Rundle, S., Heath, L., Wardell, J.D., & Hendershot, C. S. (2020). Depression, Environmental Reward, Coping Motives and Alcohol Consumption During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11.
Cunningham, J., Hodgins, D.C., Keough, M.T., Hendershot, C.S., Schell, C., & Godinho, A. (2020). Online interventions for problem gamblers with and without co-occurring unhealthy alcohol use: Randomized controlled trial. Internet Interventions, 19, 100307.
Sanscartier, M.D., Edgerton, J.D., & Keough, M.T. (2020). Attitudes towards gambling among a Canadian sample of young adults. International Gambling Studies, 20(1), 37-56.
*Bilevicius, E., Sommer, J.L., Keough, M.T., & El-Gabalawy, R. (2020). An examination of comorbid generalized anxiety disorder and chronic pain on substance misuse in a Canadian population-based survey. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 65(6), 418-425.
Hadjistavropoulos, H.D., Sundstrom, C., Keough, M.T., & Schaub, M.P. (2020). Optimizing Internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for alcohol misuse: A study protocol for a randomized factorial trial examining the effects of a pre-treatment assessment interview and health educator guidance. BMC Psychiatry, 20(126).
Marchica, L.A., Keough, M.T., Montreuil, T.C., & Derevensky, J.L. (2020). Emotion Regulation Interacts with Gambling Motives to Predict Problem Gambling Among Emerging Adults. Addictive Behaviors, 106, 1-9.
Hadjistavropoulos H.D., Mehta S., Wilhelms A., Kidd A., Keough M.T., & Sundström C. (2020). A Systematic Review of Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for alcohol misuse: Study Characteristics, Program Content and Outcomes. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 49(4), 327-346.
*Bilevicius, E., Edgerton, J.D., Sanscartier, M.D., Jiang, D., & Keough, M.T. (2020). Examining Gambling Activity Patterns over Time in a Large Sample of Young Adults. Addiction Research & Theory, 28(4), 305-313.
*Dowd D.A., Keough, M.T., Jakobson, L.S., Bolton, J.M., & Edgerton, J.D. (2020). A Longitudinal Examination of Gambling Subtypes in Young Adulthood. International Gambling Studies, 20(2), 185-199.
Baumgartner, C., *Bilevicius, E., Khazaal, Y., Achab, S., Schaaf, S., Wenger, A., Haug, S., Keough, M.T., Hodgins, D.C., & Schaub, M.P. (2019). Efficacy of a web-based self-help tool to reduce problem gambling in Switzerland: Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMJ Open, 9(12), e032110.
Van Landeghem, C. & Jakobson, L.S., & Keough, M.T. (2019). Exercise dependence in university students: A subtyping study utilizing latent profile analysis. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 45, 1-7.
Marchica, L.A., Mills, D.J., Keough, M.T., Montreuil, T.C., & Derevensky, J.L. (2019). Emotion Regulation in Emerging Adult Gamblers and its Mediating Role with Depressive Symptomology. Journal of Affective Disorders, 258, 74-82.
Edgerton, J.D., & Keough, M.T. (2019). Identifying and predicting multiple trajectories of alcohol dependence symptoms in a Canadian sample of emerging adults. Emerging Adulthood, 9(2), 104-116.
Nicholson, R., Mackenzie, C.S. Afifi, T.O., Keough, M.T., & Sareen, J. (2019). An Examination of Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders in Disordered Gamblers versus Other Substance-Related Disorders. Journal of Gambling Studies, 35(3), 829-847.
*Single, A., *Bilevicius, E., Johnson, E.A., & Keough, M.T. (2019). Specific Facets of Mindfulness Reduce Risk for Alcohol and Drug Use Among First Year Undergraduate Students. Mindfulness, 10(7), 1269-1279.
*Adams, T., *Rapinda, K.K., *Frohlich, J.R., O’Connor, R.M., & Keough, M.T. (2019). Impulsivity Moderates the Effect of Social Anxiety on In-Lab Alcohol Cravings. Addictive Behaviours, 97, 70-76.
Quilty, L.C., Wardell, J.D., Thiruchselvam, T., Keough, M.T., & Hendershot, C.S. (2019). Brief Interventions for Problem Gambling: A Meta-analysis. PLoS ONE 14(4): e0214502.
*Dowd D.A., Keough, M.T., Jakobson, L.S., Bolton, J.M., & Edgerton, J.D. (2019). A Latent Class Analysis of Young Adult Gamblers from the Manitoba Longitudinal Survey of Young Adults (MLSYA). International Gambling Studies, 19(1), 148-166.
Edgerton, J.D., Keough, M.T., & Roberts, L.W. (2019). An Exploratory Study of Alcohol Dependence and Problem Gambling Co-development Trajectories in Young Adults. International Gambling Studies, 19(1), 1-21.
*Bilevicius, E., Neufeld, D.C., *Single, A., Foot, M., Ellery, M., Keough, M.T., & Johnson, E.A. (2019). Vulnerable narcissism and addiction: The mediating role of shame. Addictive Behaviors, 92, 115-121.
Nogueira-Arjona, R., Shannon, T., Kehayes, I.-L., Sherry, S.B., Keough, M.T., & Stewart, S.H. (2019). Drinking to keep pace: An in-vivo study of the moderating influence of extraversion on alcohol consumption similarity in drinking buddy dyads. Addictive Behaviors, 92, 69-75.
*Frohlich, J.R., *Rapinda, K.K., Schaub, M.P., Wenger, A., Baumgartner, C., Johnson, E.A., O’Connor, R.M., Vincent, N., Blankers, M., Ebert, D.D., Hadjistavropoulos, H., Mackenzie, C.S., & Keough, M.T. (2018). Testing the Efficacy of an Online Self-Help Treatment for Comorbid Alcohol Misuse and Emotional Problems in Young Adults: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT). JMIR Research Protocols, 7(11): e11298.
Hendershot, C.S., Wardell, J.D., Vandervoort, J., McPhee, M.D., Keough, M.T., & Quilty, L.C. (2018). Randomized Trial of Working Memory Training as an Adjunct to Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 32(8), 861-872.
*Bristow, L.A., *Bilevicius, E., Stewart S.H., Goldstein, A.L., & Keough, M.T. (2018). Solitary Gambling Mediates the Risk Pathway from Anxiety Sensitivity to Excessive Gambling: Evidence from a Longitudinal Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 32(6), 689-696.
Edgerton, J.D., Keough, M.T., & Roberts, L.W. (2018). Co-development of Problem Gambling and Depression Symptoms in Emerging Adults: A Parallel-Process Latent Class Growth Model. Journal of Gambling Studies, 34(3), 949-968.
*Bilevicius, E., *Single, A., *Rapinda, K.K, *Bristow, L.A., & Keough, M.T. (2018). Frequent Solitary Drinking Mediates the Associations between Negative Affect and Problem Drinking in Emerging Adults. Addictive Behaviours, 87, 115-121.
*Frohlich, J.R., *Rapinda, K., O’Connor, R.M., & Keough, M.T. (2018). Examining Co-Patterns of Depression and Alcohol Misuse in Young Adults Following University Graduation. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 8, 40-45.
Cunningham, J.A., Hodgins, D.C., Keough, M.T., Hendershot C.S., Bennett, K., Bennett A., & Godinho, A. (2018). Online interventions for problem gamblers with and without co-occurring problem drinking: Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial. BMC Trials, 19(1), 295. DOI: 10.1186/s13063-018-2672-x.
Keough, M.T., O’Connor, R.M., Swansburg, J., Barrett, S., Hodgins, D.C., & Stewart, S.H. (2018). Joint Effects of Impulsive and Self-Regulatory Processes on Frequent Gambling. Journal of Gambling Issues, 38, DOI:
*Bilevicius, E., *Single, A., *Bristow, L.A., Ellery, M., Foot, M., Keough, M.T., & Johnson, E.A. (2018). Shame mediates the association between depression and addictive behaviours. Addictive Behaviours, 82, 94-100.
Keough, M.T., *Penniston, T., Vilhena-Churchill, N., R. Bagby M. & Quilty L.C. (2018). Depression Symptoms and Reasons for Gambling Mediate the Association between Insecure Attachment Styles and Problem Gambling. Addictive Behaviors, 78, 166-172.
Keough, M.T., O’Connor, R.M., & Stewart, S.H. (2018). Solitary Drinking is Associated with Specific Alcohol Problems in Emerging Adults. Addictive Behaviors, 76, 285-290.
Keough, M.T., Hendershot, C.S., Wardell, J.D., & R. Bagby, M. (2018). Investigating the Mediational Role of Negative Urgency in the Anxiety Pathway to Cannabis Problems and Dependence among Postsecondary Students. Journal of American College Health, 66(2), 69-75.
Gavin, J., Keough, M.T., Mcbrearty, M., Abravanel, M., & Moudrakovski, T. (2017). A Canonical Variate Analysis of Personal Traits and Physical Activity interests: Furthering the Sport Personology Debate. Leisure, 41(4), 509-533.
Keough, M.T., Wardell, J.D., Hendershot, C.S., Quilty, L.C., & R. Bagby M. (2017). Fun-Seeking and Reward Responsiveness Moderate the Effect of the Behavioral Inhibition System on Coping-Motivated Problem Gambling. Journal of Gambling Studies, 33(3), 769-782.
Keough, M.T., O’Connor, R.M., & Read, J.P. (2016). External Replication and Validation of the Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire in a Large Sample of Canadian Undergraduates. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40(5), 1093-1099.
Keough, M.T., O’Connor, R.M., & Colder, C.R. (2016). Testing the Implicit and Explicit Cognitions Underlying BIS-related Drinking in Young Adults. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40(5), 1065-1074.
Keough, M.T., Battista, S.R., O’Connor, R.M., Sherry, S.B., & Stewart, S.H. (2016). Getting the Party Started - Alone: Solitary Predrinking Mediates the Association between Social Anxiety and Alcohol-Related Problems. Addictive Behaviors, 55, 19-24.
Keough, M.T., Badawi, G., Nitka, D., O’Connor, R.M., & Stewart, S.H. (2016). Impulsivity Increases Risk for Coping-Motivated Drinking in Undergraduates with Elevated Social Anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences, 88, 45-50.
Keough, M.T., & O’Connor, R.M. (2016). Interactive Effects of the BIS and the BAS on Trajectories of Alcohol Misuse after University Graduation. Invited paper by Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment, 9(S1), 33-40.
Gavin, J., Keough, M.T., Abravanel, M., & Mcbrearty, M. (2015). Exploring Physical Activity Preferences across the Lifespan. Leisure, 39(3-4), 323-344.
Keough, M.T., Hines, S., *Winslade, A., & O’Connor, R.M. (2015). Negative Urgency and Gender Moderate the Association between Anxiety Sensitivity and Alcohol-Related Problems. Journal of Addiction and Prevention, 3(1), 1-7.
Keough, M.T., O’Connor, R.M., Sherry, S.B., & Stewart, S.H. (2015). Context Counts: Solitary Drinking Explains the Association between Depressive Symptoms and Alcohol-related Problems in Undergraduates. Addictive Behaviors, 42, 216-221.
*Reynolds, A., Keough, M.T., & O’Connor, R.M. (2015). Is Being Mindful Associated with Reduced Risk for Internally-Motivated Drinking and Alcohol Use among Undergraduates? Addictive Behaviors, 42, 222-226.
Le, A., Stojanoski, B., Khan, S., Keough, M.T., & Niemeier, M. (2015). A Toggle Switch of Visual Awareness? Cortex, 64, 169-178.
2014 and Earlier
Keough, M.T., & O’Connor, R.M. (2014). Clarifying the Measurement and the Role of the Behavioral Inhibition System in Alcohol Misuse. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 38(5), 1470-1479.
Gavin, J., Keough, M.T., Abravanel, M., Moudrakovski, T., & Mcbrearty, M. (2014). Motivations for Participation in Physical Activity across the Lifespan. International Journal of Wellbeing, 4(1), 46-61.
Niemeier, M., Singh, V.V.W., Keough, M., & Akbar, N. (2008). The Perceptual Consequences of the Attentional Bias: Evidence for Distracter Removal. Experimental Brain Research, 189(4), 411-420.
College of Psychologists of Ontario
Registered Psychologist (#6694)
Homewood Research Institute
Collaborating Scientist
St. Joseph's Health Care Hamilton
Collaborating Scientist
Psychology Teaching Award - University of Manitoba - 2018
JGI Scholar’s Award - 2018
Junior Investigator Award Research Society on Alcoholism - 2017
Postdoctoral Fellowship Canadian Institutes of Health Research - 2016
Certificate of Academic Excellence for Dissertation - Canadian Psychological Association - 2016
Accelerator Award – 2015 – 2016 Concordia University - 2016
Currently available to supervise graduate students: Yes
Currently taking on work-study students, Graduate Assistants or Volunteers: Yes
Available to supervise undergraduate thesis projects: No
Current Research
Dr. Keough’s research focuses on improving our understanding of the etiology and treatment of addictive behaviour, including both substance use and behavioural addiction (e.g., problem gambling). His work is mechanism-focused and is rooted in motivational models of personality and cognitive theory. He uses laboratory-based experiments, correlational studies, and prospective designs to identify who is at risk for addiction and the mechanisms underlying this risk. One specific aim of his work is to elucidate coping or self-medication pathways to substance use among young adults. Moreover, he is currently conducting a series of randomized clinical controlled trials to examine new treatments for addiction and co-occurring mental health issues (e.g., depression and anxiety).